And as is often the case, stackoverflow had the answer:

It looks like jgit is using a version of openssh that requires a modifier
on the key generation!  I did the default "ssh-keygen -t rsa” when I
created my keys.  But for it to work with NB, I need to do "ssh-keygen -t
rsa -m PEM” - sweet jesus, how is anyone supposed to know that???

Anyway all works now.  Hope this is useful to someone else.


On Jan 19, 2021 at 7:23:06 PM, Thomas Wolf <> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> I looked at m .ssh directory and it already had the permissions you
> describe - the .ssh/ directory only had owner rwx and in the .ssh/
> directory, the public keys had rw permission for owner and r for group and
> other.  The private keys had rw for owner and no permission for anyone
> else.  The owner for everything was my userid.
> I even tried the reverse - giving group/other read permission to
> everything.  But that didn’t help either.  Lastly, I removed all but one
> set of keys from the .ssh/ directory - the one I use to ssh to the remote
> host (and where I’ve added its public key to the git user’s .ssh/
> authorized_keys file).  Still no good.  I can ssh to the remote machine and
> I can push using ‘git push origin master’, but when I try the push from
> Netbeans, I keep getting the same exception in the log :-(
> I downloaded and tried 12.2 and it gets the same exception :-(
> If anyone else has any other suggestions, I’d appreciate them.  The funny
> thing is that my work Mac has no problem pushing to other work computers
> with the same version of Netbeans and with the same permissions on the
> .ssh/ directory.  The work computer still uses catalina whereas the home
> computer uses a Big Sur 11.2 beta, but wouldn’t think that makes a
> difference.
> It’s starting to drive me up a wall :-(
> On Jan 19, 2021 at 5:18:33 PM, Peter Hull <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Jan 2021 at 21:56, Thomas Wolf <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 19, 2021 at 4:26:08 PM, Thomas Wolf <> wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>> I’ve got Nebeans 11.3 on macOS 11.2 and am trying to push my local
>>>> changes to a recently created remote git repository.  But NB keeps telling
>>>> me about invalid credentials (I used ssh private key) and when I look into
>>>> the IDE log, I see this:
>>>> …
>>> I *think* I had the same problem and the solution turned out to be the
>> permissions on the ~/.ssh directory. (not sure because it was a while ago
>> and I did something and then forgot about it!)
>> Try removing all permissions from group and other (command: chmod
>> g-rwx,o-rwx ~/.ssh)
>> On my mac,
>> $ ls -ld ~/.ssh
>> drwx------  17 peterhull  501  544 10 Oct 16:55 /Users/peterhull/.ssh
>>> Not sure how com.jcraft and org.eclipse packages are in the picture -
>>> are those just libs NB uses?
>>  Yes, it uses jgit from the Eclipse project.
>> Hope that helps

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