"./gradlew build --scan" showed deprecation

   The configuration :extensions:compileClasspath was resolved without
   accessing the project in a safe manner.

This seems related to the type of problem I'm having, so I'll see what I can see. The deprecation warning suggested looking at


So I'll struggle with this for a while...

On 1/22/2021 8:04 PM, Ernie Rael wrote:
On 12/26/2020 12:26 PM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
That link was useful to discover that the project's gradle setup is aged. It doesn't use publishing_maven; and I had to learn how to work around some "won't fix" issues with its build.gradle files.

I've gotten deeper into the project than I thought I would. Now my short term goal is to be able to debug and write junit tests using NetBeans. My imediate goal is to find out what I can do to open all the subprojects

 * patch up the ancient gradle build files so I can do that, or
 * that I need to upgrade gradle (to 6?), or
 * that NetBeans doesn't handle debuging junit tests, or
 * that ???

The problem is that the subprojects are rife with import problems, both main and test, when opened with the IDE. My guess is that the primary jar isn't "known" to the IDE. Every builds OK from the commandline.

Any suggestions appreciated.

The project root has two directories: *core* *extensions*. The IDE lists them as subProjects.

 * core has a build.gradle only with a "task m4 {..." (wow, m4 lives),
   this builds the primary jar. I can edit/build/debug things under
   here just fine. (build by clicking on "install" in Navigator or from
   command line)
 * extensions has only directories, no files at all. A typical
   directory, extensions/icu4j is the one I'm after, has a 3 line
   "dependencies {<NL>compile 'com.ibm.icu:icu4j:3.6.1'<NL>}"

The subproject at extensions/icu4j is where the unit tests I want to extend are found.

BTW, if it's of interest, the project is at https://github.com/glazedlists/glazedlists.

In project's commit log I see "updated gradle to 4.4.1", but ./gradlew -v gives "Gradle 5.3.1". And doing ./gradlew build gives Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.

On 12/26/20 10:16 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
Season's greetings to all,

I'm working with a maven project that uses a library; I need to fix a bug in the library. After the fix, I'll want to publish the library to my maven groupid. After downloading the project, I discovered it used gradle for building. My final fix to get it to build was to set the project's jdk property from default j-15, to jdk1.8. And then I found an install action in NBs navigator to get something into the local repository. (Clean and build does that for maven project, but not gradle)

My question: having never used gradle, I'm looking for info on publishing to maven repository; like where this is specified in the project's gradle property files. I'll need to tweak the destination, maybe some options...

I generally do mvn from the command line, not the IDE.

Any recommendations on docs, NB and/or gradle, to help me start to get up to speed appreciated.


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