On 1/26/2021 10:37 PM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
Are we talking about: https://github.com/glazedlists/glazedlists

It seems to work well with NetBeans, at least the modules I've tested.

You might need to set the default JDK to Java 11, in order not to have set one-by-one on the Project build/compile page.

Hard to express how much your input has improved my outlook on life. Many thanks and much appreciation.

JDK-11 was the key. I'm running NetBeans on JDK-15, when you say "set the default" is there some way other than running on JDK-11? Anyway, manually changed each subproj > properties > build > compile to jdk-11 and all manner of things you mentioned now work. For each subproj, change to jdk-11, clean&build, wait for scanning to complete, bingo.

While I was trying to get things to work, at one point I deleted the ".gradle" directory. It seems that some NetBeans configuration information was lost, I guess it's more than just a "nb_cache". And I guess that explains why I don't see any VCS changes when I change properties.

In gradle.properties I changed "javaTargetVersion = 11", but this seems to make no difference. The root project > properties > sources > source/binaryFormat shows 1.8 and for subprojects it shows 15.

I have not checked the build scripts, but the current master uses Gradle 5.3.1 which is not compatible with more recent JVM-s.

Since I can't figure out how the gradle version is specified (I don't see 5.3.1 anywhere) it will be a long haul. Oops, there's gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties. Now I wonder how this gets set up and/or changed.

But, now that my faith in the universe is restored, I'll see if I can nudge the build gradle files towards 6.8.

Used 12.2. so none of the improvements in 12.3 were required for basic functionality.

Build, code completion, and even debug focused test method is working out of the box without any tweak. (I've just changed the JDK)

Also I have to mention I've tested this in the last week dev built from master. That one has a few good fixes compared to 12.2, though maybe not critical ones.

On 1/26/21 9:58 AM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
I'm going to try to check that, but life is demanding me elsewhere at the moment.

On 1/26/21 9:50 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:

I'm doing some work with a gradle built project (github). it looks like this project was gradle 3, then minial changes to get it to work with 5. The projects under :extensions don't open in NetBeans correctly, (imports from :core not found), the maintainer says it works fine in Eclipse. Builds OK from command line.

I'd like to fix the gradle scripts so it works with NetBeans; either hack or rework to gradle 6.  Can someone suggest a project with a similar structure that works with NetBeans that I can look at for inspiration and clues? The class files from subProjects under extensions are incorporated into the single jar file produced by the project.

I'm a total gradle novice; There's a deprecation warning about classpath (https://gradle.com/s/iwj7ksmm72wc2).

   $ ./gradlew --console plain projects
   Root project 'glazedlists'
   +--- Project ':core'
   +--- Project ':extensions' <<<<<< only directories, no build.gradle
   |    +--- Project ':extensions:calculation'
   |    +--- Project ':extensions:hibernate'
   |    +--- Project ':extensions:icu4j'
   |    \--- Project ':extensions:treetable'
   \--- Project ':jmh-benchmark'


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