Even Maven provides a pretty bad support for EAR-s. Go for WAR...

On 8/7/21 12:02 PM, José Contreras wrote:
I just tested this on master and got the same error when trying to build the EAR. The problem is that the pom files are badly created, to solve this you will have to rectify the pom files. You could check the code examples (and the pom files) of the book in github <https://github.com/Apress/full-stack-web-development-with-jakartaee-and-vue.js/tree/master/CH1/StartWithJEE>.

José Contreras

El mié, 4 de ago. de 2021 a la(s) 06:20, Wayne Gemmell | Connect (wa...@connect-mobile.co.za <mailto:wa...@connect-mobile.co.za>) escribió:

    Don't do it with netbeans. There is no support for that going
    forward. I changed my one to a war and added a few cron jobs. It's
    now simpler and I have less build issues.


    On Tue, 3 Aug 2021 at 12:15, Tom Coudyzer <tcdm...@gmail.com
    <mailto:tcdm...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        Seeking for some help on creating an Enterprise application 
        (with Maven) via Netbeans 11.3 and AdoptOpenJDK 8 on MacOS 11.5.1

        I create a new Enterprise application with Maven (Jave-EE 8) 
        and end up with 4 projects. The wizard starts to compile the
        maven projects but gives an error.

        Ignoring this error I clean an build the

        web (module) project
        ejb (module) project
        ear (module) project

        First 3 build with success however when building the EAR I get
        this error

        Failed to execute goal on project myproject-ear: Could not
        resolve dependencies for project
        com.company:myproject-ear:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find
        artifact com.company:myproject-ejb:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]

        I manage to get it working when I change the EJB dependency
        and change it from packing type EJB to WAR in the pom.xml of
        the EAR module/project

        Sorry if this is a "rookie" mistake or missing something from
        my side but would be great to get some understanding why this
        "out-of-the-box" is not working and what to do to get this fixed.

        Thank you already and any help is much appreciated!


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