Probably the support for Java EE applications should be removed, or made
available as an external plugin since, as pointed out above, the
applicable approach nowadays is to use WARs and REST calls.

So, rather than it being strange that this doesn't work out of the box, it
is strange that it is in the box at all. :-)


On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 11:17 AM Tom Coudyzer <> wrote:

> Thanks Pieter!
> I agree it’s odd the not working out of the box behaviour doesn’t help to
> onboard people to start using Netbeans. However I don’t know if usage
> increase of Netbeans is one of the goals of the project. I am too new in
> the Netbeans world to have a valid opinion.
> Thanks again.
> /Tom
> Sent from my iPad
> On 9 Aug 2021, at 22:54, Pieter van den Hombergh <
>> wrote:
> I have build with maven, so independent of an IDE.
> I needed to change the package format of the ejb module to jar,
> Then building in the order ejb, web, top project and ear did result in an
> war file, which should be loadable in a web container like payara.
> steps I did (after the edit)
>  cd .../myproject
>  mvn install
>  cd myproject-ejb/
>  mvn install
>  cd ../myproject-web/
>  mvn install
>  cd ../myproject-ear/
>  mvn package
>  dir target/myproject-ear.war
> I would advise using a maven multimodule structure, using a parent pom.
> That would avoid having to do all these manual steps.
> But since the project is what the netbeans wizard (even the 12.4 one)
> produces, it is a bit odd that it does not work out of the box.
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 12:15 PM Tom Coudyzer <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seeking for some help on creating an Enterprise application  (with Maven)
>> via Netbeans 11.3 and AdoptOpenJDK 8 on MacOS 11.5.1
>> I create a new Enterprise application with Maven (Jave-EE 8)  and end up
>> with 4 projects. The wizard starts to compile the maven projects but gives
>> an error.
>> Ignoring this error I clean an build the
>> web (module) project
>> ejb (module) project
>> project
>> ear (module) project
>> First 3 build with success however when building the EAR I get this error
>> Failed to execute goal on project myproject-ear: Could not resolve
>> dependencies for project Could
>> not find artifact -> [Help 1]
>> I manage to get it working when I change the EJB dependency and change it
>> from packing type EJB to WAR in the pom.xml of the EAR module/project
>> Sorry if this is a "rookie" mistake or missing something from my side but
>> would be great to get some understanding why this "out-of-the-box" is not
>> working and what to do to get this fixed.
>> Thank you already and any help is much appreciated!
>> /Tom
> --
> Pieter Van den Hombergh.
> No software documentation is complete with out it's source code.

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