I need to build C/C++ projects on Netbeans 12.4 Ubuntu 18.04. There have
been a long list of failures - trying earlier versions of Netbeans and
even Eclipse. I can't find a simple tutorial / example for using the
Lightweight C/C++. 

Here is what I have done so far: 

1. Install Netbeans 12.4 with 'sudo apt install netbeans'. This loaded
java 11 jdk. 

2. Wrote and tested the usual Java Hello World. 

3. Installed build essentials with 'sudo apt install build-essential' 

4. checked that gcc, make and gdb are accessible. 

5. tried to start a C/C++ project as follows: 

a. New Project -> C/C++ / Lightweight C/C++ Project 

b. Next-> project path set to /home/david/NetBeansProjects 

c. Next-> Compile Commands: ... and I'm stuck. It seems to want the tool
set to use, but I can't find it. 

Any pointers appreciated. 


David Smith

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