
How many projects are in your projects panel?

If you haven't modified (God, I hate this) "/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ 
NetBeans\" to allow a 
larger heap 
than the paltry default, you may be observing the JVM performing the garbage 
collection of 
death dance which you'll see in any java application that is operating at the 
edge of getting 
an OOM error.

I have a MacBook Pro for work (32GB RAM) and I have changed the 
*netbeans_default_options* in the above file to have the additional flag of 
as well as setting *netbeans_jdkhome* to point to something sane.


Mark A. Flacy

On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 11:54:02 AM CDT Thomas Wolf wrote:
> I have NB 12.4, but I have noticed the same behavior on previous NBs as
> well:
> Most of the time, my MacBook Pro is quiet as can be.  But every now and
> then (every other day?), I’d be surfing the web or reading the mail when my
> fans start spinning up - often getting to their max speed *and staying
> there*.  Usually, I’m not doing anything CPU intensive at all and when I
> look at the Activity Monitor, it’s always Netbeans taking 100-200% of the
> CPU.  And *always*, when open the Netbeans window, there at the bottom
> would be a message indicating that NB is checking (or waiting? can’t
> remember the exact wording) for external changes.  I assume that’s the NB
> feature that checks to see if any project-related source was modified
> outside the IDE?   This has got to be a bug - there’s no way something like
> that should be a heavy load on a CPU.
> Is there something I can do when I next observe this behavior to help track
> down this bug?  I think I’ve had this happen for at least a year.  If there
> isn’t - is there a way to globally turn it off?
> I’m on macOS 12.0.1 (Monterey) running NB with OpenJDK 17, but as I said,
> this has happened on earlier NB and earlier versions of Java.  My computer
> is standalone - i.e. no corporate network, not networked file systems.
> Just the laptop and a wireless connection to the Internet (via Starlink
> and, before that, via Verizon LTE).
> Thanks for any suggestions,
> Tom

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