Hi Mark,
I think this CPU abuse happens independent of project size or resources.  I
already had modified my netbeans.conf to give it plenty of heap (2-4gb),
but I’m not even running anything  ‘large’ - when this happens, there are
always only two projects open in the IDE - one is a library project with
just a couple dozen java files and a J2SE project with less than 100 source
files.  Downright puny!  A few years back I was working on a  project with
5000 java files and NB never even broke a sweat.  This bug with external
changes causing NB a tizzy has been around for awhile.  I think there was a
way to turn external checking off, but I can’t seem to find it right now.
Plus the disadvantage would be that when I do occasionally externally
inject changes (eg copying an image file into the project source tree), NB
might not react appropriately. :-(

Anyway, any further suggestions, let me know.  Much appreciated.


p.s. has anyone noticed that macOS Monterey now no longer has an “Anywhere”
option in System Settings->Security & Privacy->General->Allow apps
downloaded from ??? Annoying as hell.  It’s already refused to run half a
dozen things I downloaded and wanted to run - have to manually give an
exception :-(  Does anyone know of a way to turn this off?  I haven’t tried
downloading a new version of NB lately, but macOS won’t run that either, I
don’t think, without manual exception.

On Oct 20, 2021 at 1:18:58 PM, Mark A. Flacy <mfl...@verizon.net.invalid>

> Greetings,
> How many projects are in your projects panel?
> If you haven't modified (God, I hate this) "/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\
> NetBeans\ 12.4.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf"
> to allow a larger heap than the paltry default, you may be observing the
> JVM performing the garbage collection of death dance which you'll see in
> any java application that is operating at the edge of getting an OOM error.
> I have a MacBook Pro for work (32GB RAM) and I have changed the
> *netbeans_default_options* in the above file to have the additional flag
> of "-J-Xmx16384m" as well as setting *netbeans_jdkhome* to point to
> something sane.
> HTH.
> --
> Mark A. Flacy
> mfl...@verizon.net
> On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 11:54:02 AM CDT Thomas Wolf wrote:
> > I have NB 12.4, but I have noticed the same behavior on previous NBs as
> > well:
> >
> > Most of the time, my MacBook Pro is quiet as can be.  But every now and
> > then (every other day?), I’d be surfing the web or reading the mail when
> my
> > fans start spinning up - often getting to their max speed *and staying
> > there*.  Usually, I’m not doing anything CPU intensive at all and when I
> > look at the Activity Monitor, it’s always Netbeans taking 100-200% of the
> > CPU.  And *always*, when open the Netbeans window, there at the bottom
> > would be a message indicating that NB is checking (or waiting? can’t
> > remember the exact wording) for external changes.  I assume that’s the NB
> > feature that checks to see if any project-related source was modified
> > outside the IDE?   This has got to be a bug - there’s no way something
> like
> > that should be a heavy load on a CPU.
> >
> > Is there something I can do when I next observe this behavior to help
> track
> > down this bug?  I think I’ve had this happen for at least a year.  If
> there
> > isn’t - is there a way to globally turn it off?
> >
> > I’m on macOS 12.0.1 (Monterey) running NB with OpenJDK 17, but as I said,
> > this has happened on earlier NB and earlier versions of Java.  My
> computer
> > is standalone - i.e. no corporate network, not networked file systems.
> > Just the laptop and a wireless connection to the Internet (via Starlink
> > and, before that, via Verizon LTE).
> >
> > Thanks for any suggestions,
> > Tom

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