>  Although I do it often enough, I'm not a fan of wrapping a checked
exception in a RuntimeException or even another checked exception like

I'm not either. Nor do I like how AssertionError has a constructor that
takes an Object rather than specifically a Throwable. But usually (though
not always), a better way occurs to me during refactoring. I'm not sure I
see the benefit of managed exceptions.


On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:22 AM Owen Thomas <owen.paul.tho...@gmail.com>

> Perhaps these type of exceptions can be called "managed" exceptions. Two
> syllables instead of the monosyllabic "checked" might draw interest to the
> possibility that a slightly more complicated mechanism can make things
> easier for the developer. I don't know.
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 23:07, Owen Thomas <owen.paul.tho...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 18:24, Emilian Bold <emilian.b...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I don't understand your proposal. You are trying to explain it in an
>>> almost formal way but I don't know what it means...
>> Thank you for trying Emilian. Sometimes I find it hard to speak directly.
>> Hopefully you'll find some sense in what I'm trying to talk about in this
>> reply. :)
>> Please also note that I speak from a position of ignorance about Java
>> modules. I hope you can fill in the blanks with your own understanding of
>> Java modules which I assume is better than mine.
>>> For eg. not sure what "ignored" means. Does it behave like a Runtime
>>> Exception? Or is it just not thrown?
>> I think it fair that javac should not compile your code if you attempt to
>> catch or if you declare that any method throws an exception that is
>> "ignored". Perhaps you may think that is too harsh, but I'm less than eager
>> to accept anything more accommodating at this point in time until I hear a
>> compelling reason for why this might be better.
>>> Same with the other 2 options.
>> Okay. <cracks knuckles>
>> Imagine this scenario. Hopefully, this use case describes what happens
>> when an exception that extends this CheckedException class is "ignored". If
>> you get the use-case I am describing here, you can probably imagine what
>> might happen in other scenarios.
>> So, you are developing a library that depends on another library. This
>> other library declares in a module descriptor that a particular exception
>> is "thrown". It has to do this because this exception extends
>> CheckedException, and at least one method in this module declares that it
>> throws this exception.
>> You're in charge of the module descriptors in your library. In your
>> library, you have a module governed by a descriptor which says that the
>> exception thrown from the module defined above is "ignored". You have to
>> care about this because at least one of the methods defined in your module
>> calls at least one of the methods defined in the module above. When you
>> call any method declared within the above defined module from your module,
>> your calling method cannot either catch this ignored exception in your
>> code, nor declare that it throws this exception.
>> Importantly, I think that the checked behaviour of such an exception has
>> been preserved. Modules defined by others that call one or more methods
>> defined in yours would likewise have to do something with this ignored
>> exception just as you have done. A developer using your library would have
>> to declare in their module descriptor what they are going to do with the
>> exception that you have ignored if they are going to call any methods of
>> your module: either to declare that they are "ignored" or "caught"...
>> another use case.
>> So, you have "ignored" the fact that a method you call throws a
>> particular extension of the class CheckedException. Your methods cannot
>> catch, or declare that they throw this exception because you said in your
>> module's descriptor that you wanted this concern abstracted away for you.
>> You have, however, passed this concern onto anyone who might use your
>> module. Others are free to do with their module as you have done with
>> yours, but they still have to do something to address the fact that this
>> checked exception you have elected to ignore has been passed through your
>> module to theirs.
>>   Owen.
>> PS:
>> *A small, and I think favourable twist in the behaviour of checked
>> exceptions expressed through this mechanism is that one might be able to,
>> say, have Object.equals() throw these type of checked exceptions. This
>> would perhaps slightly and temporarily modify the signature for
>> Object.equals() which has been overridden in some module where a particular
>> checked exception was "thrown" until the exception was handled somewhere in
>> another dependent module where the exception was "caught". I can't at this
>> moment see why this would be a problem; I see it as something I would like.*
>> PPS: Perhaps, if another developer's library implements a mechanism
>> called directly from Thread.run(), any "ignored" exception will just behave
>> like an unchecked exception. Perhaps however, it would be more in-keeping
>> with the original intentions of the checked exception mechanism that a
>> compiler error would be issued, and hence I like this latter scenario
>> better.
>>> I think you could do a byte code processor and tweak checked exceptions
>>> but of course you would change signatures.
>>> --emi
>>> vin., 29 oct. 2021, 03:48 Owen Thomas <owen.paul.tho...@gmail.com> a
>>> scris:
>>>> G'day.
>>>> Upon seeing some recent emails from this group expressing a somewhat
>>>> philosophical tone about how the evolving landscape of paradigms in
>>>> software development may be putting a strain on Java, I just wish to put
>>>> some comments that others might find interesting down about how a specific
>>>> Java feature, namely checked exceptions, can be improved so that again,
>>>> Java perhaps can show how to do something well enough that other languages
>>>> might try and copy it.
>>>> I say the following. Have an abstract checked exception class in the
>>>> Java SE API. Call it, say, CheckedException. Descendents of this class
>>>> behave like any other checked exception, with perhaps a few caveats
>>>> explained in this email.
>>>> The build script of a deployable artifact (an application or library,
>>>> but in this case, probably a library explains the situation more clearly)
>>>> somehow indicates that this deployable artifact (hereon referred to as a
>>>> library) can declare that descendents of CheckedExceptions (never the
>>>> CheckedException class itself) are:
>>>>    1. thrown: A more specific descendent of a checked exception under
>>>>    this clause occurs in the throws clause of a method that is exposed to
>>>>    libraries that are dependent on this one.
>>>>    2. caught: A more specific descendent of a checked exception under
>>>>    this clause occurs in the catch block of a method that calls a method 
>>>> from
>>>>    a library on which this one depends.
>>>>    3. ignored: Neither of the above scenarios occurs. *However,
>>>>    methods in this library that call methods that throw a descendent of a
>>>>    checked exception under this clause do not themselves explicitly declare
>>>>    that they throw or catch and deal with the given checked exception*.
>>>> If a library declares that it throws or ignores a descendent of a
>>>> CheckedException, in its build script or other deployment descriptor, then
>>>> any dependent library must either declare that that CheckedException is
>>>> thrown, caught, or ignored.
>>>> The emphasis above is used to underscore the utility that my suggestion
>>>> is trying to convey. I think that with perhaps a few tweaks, this is a
>>>> flexible suggestion. Although I do not (not yet perhaps... I just need a
>>>> compelling reason to) know much about Java modules, this system of
>>>> selectively dealing with checked exceptions appears as a very good
>>>> candidate for expression there.
>>>> These are just suggestions and I put them out there because someone
>>>> with some clout in shaping the future of the Java SE API might think these
>>>> suggestions are worth considering further. Happy to share and perhaps to
>>>> talk about it here if others share a similar interest.
>>>> Have a great day. :)
>>>>   Owen.

Alonso del Arte
Author at SmashWords.com
Musician at ReverbNation.com <http://www.reverbnation.com/alonsodelarte>

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