I use Gradle 7.3 as my build system, and the main hiccup I've encountered is that NB tooling uses Gradle 7.0 under the hood, which isn't yet JDK17 compatible (related to bytecode manipulation in underlying Groovy version). If you encounter this NB will raise heaps of errors and fail you. I can't comment on its suitability for JDK17 with Maven, as I've not touched Maven for a while, but I imagine it works better, as the Gradle build support seems to be a work in progress.

I'm contentedly using JDK17 code within NB12.5 (macOS, Adoptium OpenJDK), running the IDE itself using JDK16 by changing the netbeans_jdkhome entry in *netbeans.conf*. However, I'm not using the IDE for its full capabilities, I mostly use it as a completion-helpful code editor, as I've learned not to trust it for major code refactoring. I also typically do test/build cycles in the terminal as I find it more predictable/reliable. The primary sacrifice seems to be code completion for JDK17-specific code, which has shown up because I'm tinkering with incubator modules. Also note that I don't have JDK17 defined as a Java Platform, as that seems to additionally confuse NB for my setup.


On 17/11/2021 02:16, A Z wrote:
To Who it may Concern,

I am aware of the fact that Netbeans 12.5 only offers experimental support for
OpenJDK 17 at this time.

I am going to need to use OpenJDK 17, because of its accurate
floating point mathematics.

How far away is full support of Netbeans 17?  So that I can install
Netbeans, and run Netbeans, requiring only OpenJDK 17, but
by no means any secondary JDK?

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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