I haven't played with d3js, but it does look promising.

Here's a link with graphs that can be moved around:


Just click on an example, and play with the results.

As far as acyclic directed graphs with d3js:


may be a good starting point.

Combining the two is left as an exercise for the reader.

. . . just my two cents

On 11/18/2021 3:34 PM, Anthony DeCarlo wrote:

Many years ago I used a javascript library called D3 to
create various bar charts and graphs of tabular data.
Users were able to hover over artifacts in the graphs and charts
to get more details, or click on various artifacts to drill down
to other charts or the raw tabular data.
I was quite pleased with the results.


My 2 cents.


On 11/18/2021 17:56, Greenberg, Gary wrote:

Sorry for out of topic question, but I really don’t know where else I can ask it.

I did try to search on the internet but did not come up with anything useful.

I am specializing on the back-end development but right now I do need a suggestion for the front end.

The user interface for the web application that I need to build shall allow user to create a

DAG – directed acyclical graph.

Nodes of the graph shall be dragged from the palette and dropped on the canvas and then connected with edges.

Edges will be loaded with some conditions and actions as well.

User interface shall allow editing – adding/deleting/replacing nodes and edges.

If someone has done something similar and can recommend a framework/toolkit for this kind of front-end development,

it will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

*Gary Greenberg*

Staff Software Engineer

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