The user provided JRE doesn't exist anymore. You have to bundle a runtime
with your app. Zulu is a good runtime and they also have a version with
JavaFX included so you don't have to tweak that.


joi, 18 nov. 2021, 22:01 Alonso Del Arte <> a scris:

> So the Macs have the JRE but not JavaFX? Is the separation of JavaFX an
> issue? Is it one of several issues?
> Al
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:58 AM Emilian Bold <>
> wrote:
>> It's not terribly hard. I don't know the app store but for notarization I
>> ended up with a script that did the required steps sign and it blessed the
>> DMG. Creating the DMG with some included JRE (say, from Azul Zulu) is also
>> trivial.
>> --emi
>> joi, 18 nov. 2021, 17:06 Chris Olsen <> a scris:
>>> Hello, Everyone --
>>>   I am a seriously amateur JavaFX programmer and have written a freeware
>>> statistical package for high school teachers of Advanced Placement
>>> Statistics.  I have no trouble packaging my program for the PC, but
>>> commonly teachers run afoul of the Mac Gatekeeper when trying to install
>>> the program.  (They are not typically comfortable with doing anything on
>>> the terminal command line.)
>>>   I am willing (grumble, grumble) to pony up the $99/year to support my
>>> program in the App Store, but not willing to desert Netbeans. (Old dog, new
>>> tricks.)
>>>  The U.S. education system being what it is, teachers have Macs varying
>>> in age from long in the tooth to the new Macs with the M1 chip. So I have
>>> two questions:
>>>   1.  How much of a headache would it be to develop (actually translate)
>>> and package for a variety of Mac OSs?
>>>   2.  What are good sources (books, URLs, whatever) where I can learn
>>> more about how to do this?
>>>   Thanks in advance!
>>>   -- Chris
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> --
> Alonso del Arte
> Author at
> <>
> Musician at <>

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