Hi, Pieter --

  Thank you!  Will certainly check this out...

  > at least that is how the theory goes.

  Oh, how many times I have uttered this very phrase to me statistics 

  -- Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pieter van den Hombergh" <pieter.van.den.hombe...@gmail.com>
To: "COlsen" <col...@mchsi.com>
Cc: "users" <users@netbeans.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 9:01:17 AM
Subject: Re: Netbeans development on the Mac

Hi Chris,

I had some success with a deployable toy project using link and package. I
have created a github repo for this small demo project at
It is derived from a former student exercise.
Details to the zip file: It is a multimodule maven file, and consist of two
submodules: a javafx component called fxtriangulate and a GUI application
using the javafx component called surveyor.
I use linux, but as far as the javafx theory goes, you should be able to
adapt it to your mac osx needs using the information in
I followed (for linux) the guidelines on

To play with it, use the following steps.
1. Download (clone) the project.
2. in the resulting directory do 'mvn compile'
3. go to the app dir with 'cd surveyor'
4 mvn -P fx javafx:jlink to produce a linked version. which results in a
zip file that can be deployed. At this stage you should be able to run the
run.sh command in the surveyor dir.
5 mvn -P fx jpackage:package Results in a debian package (for the kind of
linux I run on). After you have applied the tweaks described in
it should result in a dmg file for your mac osx, at least that is how the
theory goes.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 4:06 PM Chris Olsen <col...@mchsi.com> wrote:

> Hello, Everyone --
>   I am a seriously amateur JavaFX programmer and have written a freeware
> statistical package for high school teachers of Advanced Placement
> Statistics.  I have no trouble packaging my program for the PC, but
> commonly teachers run afoul of the Mac Gatekeeper when trying to install
> the program.  (They are not typically comfortable with doing anything on
> the terminal command line.)
>   I am willing (grumble, grumble) to pony up the $99/year to support my
> program in the App Store, but not willing to desert Netbeans. (Old dog, new
> tricks.)
>  The U.S. education system being what it is, teachers have Macs varying in
> age from long in the tooth to the new Macs with the M1 chip. So I have two
> questions:
>   1.  How much of a headache would it be to develop (actually translate)
> and package for a variety of Mac OSs?
>   2.  What are good sources (books, URLs, whatever) where I can learn more
> about how to do this?
>   Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
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Pieter Van den Hombergh.
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