Greetings all, this one's been a small annoyance that I have been getting
around by using JDK 1.8.0 to start NetBeans for some time now. As JDK 1.8.0
causes NETBEANS-6272
<> making
12.6 less useable with JDK 1.8.0 I finally got around to raising
NETBEANS-6273 <>.

My issue relates to the fact that swapping command and option keys on a
windows keyboard on macos means means that NetBeans no longer recognises
the option key being pressed by itself, however, holding option, then a
quick tap and release n shift makes NB then recognise that option is being

I use this key for navigating between words like option + left/right etc.

I query if anyone is experiencing this and has some kind of other
workaround that allows use of later JDK's?

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