Thanks for the message and sorry for the issues Jason.  Along with the other 
suggestions that were mentioned, have you attempted to create a Maven project 
using Jakarta EE?

I also had similar issues when trying Jakarta EE 9.1 (jakarta.*) namespace.  
However, I was using PrimeFaces 10, which I later determined was not 
compatible.  I'll need to try again now with PrimeFaces 11 to see if EL code 
completion works.

Josh Juneau

> On Dec 6, 2021, at 2:01 PM, Jason Abreu <> wrote:
> I have also created a sample web project using Ant and observe the same 
> behavior.  With the new Jakarta EE, the code assist in JSP EL ("${...}") and 
> JSF EL ("#{...}") does not show any of my CDI beans, only a "No suggestions" 
> message.  This occurs with both Ant and Gradle projects.  The code completion 
> DOES work when using an older Java EE API project.
> Has anybody else observed this behavior?  While it's not a deal-breaker, 
> because it does not affect building, it does add much time to development 
> because I have to open any referenced classes and flip back and forth between 
> them all to ensure I get the methods name correct.  This is a very big 
> annoyance that I'd like to figure out a remedy to quickly.
> Thanks,
> Jason
>> On 12/5/21 1:45 PM, Jason Abreu wrote:
>> I'm using NetBeans 12.5 with a new Gradle 7 web project and am having issues 
>> with code completion working within JSF EL (Jakarta JSF 3.0).  I could 
>> definitely use some assistance figuring this out.
>> Steps Taken:
>> 1.  Created new Gradle Web project (declared dependency for jakarta ee 9.1 
>> api)
>> 2.  Created a CDI Bean (using @Named and @SessionScoped annotations), 
>> "SampleBean" with a sample method, "(get|set)SampleString," returning a 
>> String.
>> 3.  Defined the JSF servlet within web.xml
>> 4.  Edit the JSF page (.xhtml) and added a JSF EL reference to my Sample 
>> Bean, #{sampleBean.sampleString}
>> The project built and packaged as a WAR successfully and deployed and 
>> executed in GlassFish 6.2.2 as expected.
>> However, when I use code completion (Ctl-Space) within the JSF EL I do not 
>> see my CDI bean as an option to select nor does code completion work to show 
>> me the methods of the CDI bean after I type the bean name.  Code completion 
>> works on all tags, even when using a framework such as PrimeFaces, just not 
>> with my custom CDI beans within JSF EL.
>> I have tried a work-around mentioned for a JSP issue by editing my Gradle 
>> build script to include the webapp source in the java sourceSet, but this 
>> does not resolve the issue.
>> Thank you,
>> Jason
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