Hey All!

I am updating an old plugin to bring it up to NetBeans 12.6 and have run
into an issue. The old code is using
*org.netbeans.modules.form.FormEditorSupport*i, but when I try to include
it, it does not seem to be found.

Did this class get moved to a different module? Was it dropped altogether?

What I am attempting to update is locating the variables (edit-blocked)
section in the form class and get its offset so that I can declare
variables just below it. The original code is:

if (c instanceof FormEditorSupport) {
    doc = c.getDocument();
    pos = ((FormEditorSupport)
} else {
    // ... rest of code goes on for lines and lines ...

IF someone can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly


Sean Carrick
Owner - PekinSOFT Systems
(309) 989-0672

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