
Your syntax in the screenshot is incorrect.  Use the scriptlet tag expression (the <%= ... %>) OR use the JSP Expression Language syntax (the ${ ... }).  You don't use both.  The current accepted standard/practice is to use the JSP EL instead of the scriptlet tag.

-- Jason Abreu

On 2/23/22 07:12, John Barrow wrote:

Similar to the previous email (sent a few minutes ago), I am working
with the Tomcat project and NetBeans is reporting exceptions on a few
of the .jsp files. I have attached screen shots of one (very basic)
.jsp file and I can't seem to resolve the exception. I suspect that it
is some sort of configuration issue in NetBeans / project definition
of Tomcat. Again, Tomcat is an Ant based project.

I have googled around and found very old reported issues with Eclipse
lying about exceptions, but not about NetBeans and so wondering if
this is something I should just ignore.

I used the lightbulb at the top right-hand-side of the file to disable
HTML error checking for this file but that didn't have any effect.

Again, attached three screen shots of the exceptions reported. While
not an expert, this 'Hello World' jsp page looks to be valid with it
just including a simple string expression.



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