In your app branding resources folder create a file "":

in the same folder create or edit the "layer.xml" file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN">
    <folder name="Preferences">
        <file name="" url=""/>

The app branding folder is something like that:

Tip: usually you can run your app, configure it as you like and then copy the 
preferences files/content from:
And recreate the same folder/file structure inside the "layer.xml".


From: Eirik Bakke <>
Sent: sabato 9 aprile 2022 02:19
To: Amith, Muhammad F <>;
Subject: RE: [RCP] Setting Window Dimensions and LAF

1) From a module installer class, something like this:

  public void restored() {
WindowManager.getDefault().invokeWhenUIReady(() -> {
  Frame mainWindow = WindowManager.getDefault().getMainWindow();
  mainWindow.setExtendedState(mainWindow.getExtendedState() | 

2) In my own RCP app, I added the line laf=com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf to 
platform/config/Preferences/ in the distributed platform 
application's directory. Though this doesn't work when running the app from the 
IDE during development... let me know if you find a better way.

-- Eirik

From: Amith, Muhammad F 
Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 8:28 PM
Subject: [RCP] Setting Window Dimensions and LAF


I am working on a RCP-based Netbeans project (v13, Maven-based build). I am 
trying to find how to do the following:

1. How do I set up the initial windows dimension of the RCP app?
2. How do I set the look and feel of the RCP to one of the new Flat LAF?

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