One thing I've noticed over the last few NB releases (on macOS) is that it's been very haphazard/flaky at reliably working after importing settings from a previous version. On both NB14/15 I've had to start over with a fresh/blank preferences folder for it to work reliably (and this even without any non-standard plugins). Whether this has any bearing on your situation I don't know, but that would be my first thing to try, and one you don't mention in your list of things you've already tried.

Simplest thing would be to rename the existing folder ($HOME/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/15) to something else (e.g. "15-old") while NB is closed, then reopen. It should essentially start from scratch; see if that works. If no change then you can revert to the old settings.


On 07/09/2022 12:16, Ludvík Michálek wrote:

I have issue with NB suddenly stopped seeing external changes to files. I am using this feature since NB 6/7 (or so) and it has been working well all the time.

Suddenly, it stopped working. I have suspicion that it is related to updating the JDK recently.

I am using the feature together with remote-upload feature of project, but it does not work even without remote upload.

Before, when I created a file or folder in Finder, NetBeans automatically refreshed and showed the changes in the Project/Files tree.

Now I have to run the "Scan for external changes" menu command all the time, which completely wastes my workflow, because I use external watchers (webpack or gulp) to build the project and then rely on NetBeans to upload the changes to remote server.

I have tried almost everything, googled whole day but found no solution, nothing helped:

  * creating another, clean project
  * reinstalling NB, updating from version 14 to 15
  * uninstalling and reinstalling JRE
  * uninstalling and reinstalling JDK
  * checking permissions
  * enabling Security>Accessibilty and Security>Full-disk access to
    NetBeans and java processes
  * re-enabling "Miscellaneous > Files > Enable auto-scanning of
    sources" option in Options
  * restarting NB
  * restarting Mac
  * .. everything above in different order, several times :(

My configuration:

- JDK version installed: jdk-
- JRE version: build 1.8.0_341-b10
- OS: Mac OS 12.5.1 Monterey, Intel x64

Any idea, anyone?

Thanks for help,

Ludvík Michálek

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