Thanks to all of you that responded today (Alexander, Rtherman59), thanks for 
your tips!

Finally, the tip below from Stan helped and saved me! 

I can't believe I forgot such simple thing like removing/moving preferences - 
the thing I always recommend to others :) This helped perfectly, although I 
will have to explore how to get most of my previous preferences back, since I 
really miss them - I've been importing them since v6, year by year..

THANKS again, you saved my day(s)!

Have a great day everyone,


> On 7. Sep 2022, at 14:30, Giles Winstanley <> wrote:
> One thing I've noticed over the last few NB releases (on macOS) is that it's 
> been very haphazard/flaky at reliably working after importing settings from a 
> previous version. On both NB14/15 I've had to start over with a fresh/blank 
> preferences folder for it to work reliably (and this even without any 
> non-standard plugins). Whether this has any bearing on your situation I don't 
> know, but that would be my first thing to try, and one you don't mention in 
> your list of things you've already tried.
> Simplest thing would be to rename the existing folder 
> ($HOME/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/15) to something else (e.g. 
> "15-old") while NB is closed, then reopen. It should essentially start from 
> scratch; see if that works. If no change then you can revert to the old 
> settings.
> Stan
> On 07/09/2022 12:16, Ludvík Michálek wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have issue with NB suddenly stopped seeing external changes to files. I am 
>> using this feature since NB 6/7 (or so) and it has been working well all the 
>> time.
>> Suddenly, it stopped working. I have suspicion that it is related to 
>> updating the JDK recently.
>> I am using the feature together with remote-upload feature of project, but 
>> it does not work even without remote upload.
>> Before, when I created a file or folder in Finder, NetBeans automatically 
>> refreshed and showed the changes in the Project/Files tree.
>> Now I have to run the "Scan for external changes" menu command all the time, 
>> which completely wastes my workflow, because I use external watchers 
>> (webpack or gulp) to build the project and then rely on NetBeans to upload 
>> the changes to remote server.
>> I have tried almost everything, googled whole day but found no solution, 
>> nothing helped:
>>  * creating another, clean project
>>  * reinstalling NB, updating from version 14 to 15
>>  * uninstalling and reinstalling JRE
>>  * uninstalling and reinstalling JDK
>>  * checking permissions
>>  * enabling Security>Accessibilty and Security>Full-disk access to
>>    NetBeans and java processes
>>  * re-enabling "Miscellaneous > Files > Enable auto-scanning of
>>    sources" option in Options
>>  * restarting NB
>>  * restarting Mac
>>  * .. everything above in different order, several times :(
>> My configuration:
>> ================
>> - JDK version installed: jdk-
>> - JRE version: build 1.8.0_341-b10
>> - OS: Mac OS 12.5.1 Monterey, Intel x64
>> Any idea, anyone?
>> Thanks for help,
>> Best,
>> -- 
>> Ludvík Michálek
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