This feature is enabled by default. Cannot be really switched off. (Disablind it support modules might  work).

In Tools > Options > Editor > Code Templates at the bottom of the dialog, the action key <Tab> (by default) can be changed though.

If I remember well there was a time when tha expand action was simply the <space> key.

On 1/14/23 07:47, Christopher C. Lanz wrote:

I have been using tab to expand "sout" to System.out.println(""); for several years. Since I have never used Eclipse/IntelliJ-IDEA, it would be difficult for me to have them confused with NB.

As yet noone has responded to the question of how that feature gets toggled.

Chris Lanz, Assoc. Professor Emeritus

Department of Computer Science

340 Dunn Hall, SUNY Potsdam

315 268 1547

*From:* Sean Carrick <>
*Sent:* Friday, January 13, 2023 3:34 PM
*To:* Christopher C. Lanz <>
*Cc:* <>
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: NB 16 code template expansion
This message did not originate from SUNY Potsdam or one of its trusted senders. Do not open attachments, click on links, or provide your credentials if the source is suspicious.


I cannot recall a time when TAB expanded anything in NB...Did you mean "sout" + CTRL+SPACE? Because that is how I remember it always working and how it currently works. Is it possible that you are confusing the template expansion from Eclipse/IntelliJ-IDEA and NB? 😂 That's why I try not to switch IDEs very often...😉


Sean Carrick
Owner - PekinSOFT Systems
(309) 989-0672

On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 9:24 AM Christopher C. Lanz <> wrote:

    Hello, in messing around about other problems, I seem to have
    disabled code template expansion. (Typing "sout" +tab always used
    to produce "System.out.println("");" I can't find a Tools/Options
    setting that turns this feature back on. The Apache page

    doesn't include this information, and I couldn't find a post that
    provides it.



    Chris Lanz

    340 Dunn Hall, SUNY Potsdam

    315 268 1547

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