I'm using NB IDE 16 on UbuntuStudio and I have a minor problem with a
dropdown list of Gradle Distribution Versions.  To find the drop down list
I am talking about navigate as follows:

Tools > Options > Java > Gradle > Execution > Gradle Distribution Version >
Use Standard Gradle Version

I think the problem is that the text I want to see is white text on a white
background for most of the entries.  The Gradle  version I am using is
black text on white background.  There is a 7.5 in the list too.  There are
two options with red text on white background way down the list (2.13 and
2.3) The drop down list is long but mainly white options.  Running the
cursor over the list causes the option under the cursor to change to white
on blue background, which I can read.   Hence, it's just a mild irritation
I don't encounter often.

Is there something I can do to fix this for me and get it out of my head

Thank you

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