At I didn't find "Contact us" or any way to appeal a "Verification Failed". In this case verification failed due to what I believe is a NetBeans bug.

I'm broadening "To:", including users@, hoping to catch someone who can/will handle/respond.


On 23/01/20 9:28 AM, Ernie Rael wrote:
Just received:

Plugin: jVi Update Center JDK-11
NetBeans version: 17
Verification status: NOGO
Comments: On uninstall of the downloaded plugin (nbupdatecenter-jdk11-1.0.nbm), update center is not removed.

"update center not removed" has been a problem for over 10 years. My understanding has been that it's a NetBeans bug. Maybe I'm wrong. In May of 2011 I filed
   removed UC can not be added (re-added) by installing a module

I thought I filed a follow on issue specifically about the update center not getting removed when uninstalled, but don't find it.

There's some indication in the report that there's no API for cleaning NetBeans state to remove an update center. And I believe that there's an issue that the module can be uninstalled without getting notification. But I don't remember the details. I remember trying a variety of things, never got it to work.

If someone could provide some hints and/or API pointers, I'll take a look at fixing it.

In the meantime, is it possible to get the plugin approved while the problem is being addressed?


PS. plugin verification before release, woohoo!

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