

I try to develop an java enterprise web program with netbeans 17, glassfish
7 and maven.


First, I've to update manually < org.apache.maven.plugins /maven war plugin
> to 3.3.2  and < maven-dependency-plugin > to 3.5.0 in pom.xml because the
project can't build and compile.


When trying to create the entity class from database, I get the connection
but I've a message < the project has an invalid persistence.xml file.
Indeed, this file is nearby empty.  I have to complete it.


And when trying to create session bean from entity, I've an error message :
< Cannot be generated because EJB Lite classes are not available on project
classpath. < .


That's it.


Can you help me ?


Many thanks.


Best regards.


Robert Simons








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