Hi Robert,

Hope you are doing well.  Can I ask which option you chose when you created
the project?  Did you choose New - > "Java with Maven" -> "Web
Application", or did you choose New -> "Java with Maven" -> "Enterprise
Application"?  I do not believe that the "Enterprise Application" option
has been updated to work with recent versions of Jakarta EE/Java EE.
However, the "Web Application" should work (although there are some issues
that still need ironing out).

If you create the "Web Application" option, and then create a "Jakarta EE
10" project, you should be able to build and deploy to GlassFish 7
immediately.  There should be no need to update POM dependencies.  The
persistence.xml is certainly empty, but that is so you can add your
applicable connections.

I also did receive the error message when trying to create  "Session Bean
from Entity Classes", so there is certainly an issue there:
Cannot be generated because EJB Lite classes are not available on
project classpath

Hope this helps a bit.  Thanks

Josh Juneau

On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 11:54 AM <egrsim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I try to develop an java enterprise web program with netbeans 17,
> glassfish 7 and maven.
> First, I’ve to update manually « org.apache.maven.plugins /maven war
> plugin » to 3.3.2  and « maven-dependency-plugin » to 3.5.0 in pom.xml
> because the project can’t build and compile.
> When trying to create the entity class from database, I get the connection
> but I’ve a message « the project has an invalid persistence.xml file.
> Indeed, this file is nearby empty.  I have to complete it.
> And when trying to create session bean from entity, I’ve an error
> message : « Cannot be generated because EJB Lite classes are not available on 
> project classpath.
> « .
> That’s it.
> Can you help me ?
> Many thanks.
> Best regards.
> Robert Simons

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