Hey folks!

I might have done some tweaking  and being the newbie that I am I ended up messing up NB17. Now when I Click on Run, I get the proper output as well as the following lines:

   *BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
   Could not load a dependent class (jdepend/textui/JDepend) for type
   Could not load a dependent class (javax/media/jai/PlanarImage) for
   type image
   Could not load class
   for type junitlauncher
   Could not load a dependent class (org/tukaani/xz/FilterOptions) for
   type xzresource
   Could not load class
   (org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.image.ImageIOTask) for type
   Could not load a dependent class (org/tukaani/xz/FilterOptions) for
   type xz
   Could not load a dependent class (jdepend/textui/JDepend) for type
   Could not load a dependent class (javax/media/jai/PlanarImage) for
   type image
   Could not load class
   for type junitlauncher
   Could not load a dependent class (org/tukaani/xz/FilterOptions) for
   type xzresource
   Could not load class
   (org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.image.ImageIOTask) for type
   Could not load a dependent class (org/tukaani/xz/FilterOptions) for
   type xz

Anyone here can tell me what changed? Why am I getting all those lines?

Thanks in advance

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