
I did not follow the whole thread, but I could solve similar problems with outputr to stderr / stdout in Netbeans by adding these options in the project configuration / Run / VM Options:

 -Dstdout.encoding=utf-8 -Dstderr.encoding=utf-8

Netbeans 17, Java 19


Am 21.05.2023 um 15:44 schrieb Geert Vancompernolle:
Sorry for my late reply, just back from a business trip.

I looked into the referenced pages you gave, applied the System.setOut() method with UTF-8 as parameter for the PrintStream() method like so:

System.setOut(new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF8"));

but it doesn't help.  The only change I see is that one strange character is replaced with another strange character.

A pity, because I like this ASCII "graphics".  I applied them already back in the '80 to make splash screens at that time (the extended ASCII character set was the only option back in those days to create some "graphish" intro screens and menus).

I went back to "+-----------+" and "|" characters to draw my box.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Helmut Leininger
Email: h.leinin...@gmx.at

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