On 23/06/08 4:26 PM, Ernie Rael wrote:

I'm getting "Import from Excluded", in a project I've just created, I've never seen it before.

There's "Tools > Options > Editor > CodeCompletion > Java" and the class in question was in the "Exclude" list. Removed it and the hint/warning went away.

I wonder how it was added to the list. Didn't see anything in the menus. "exc" doesn't appear in the keyboard shortcuts list, and it's not one of the shortcuts listed with "import".


I haven't used NB for a few releases if that might be relevant. The import is from an ANTLR4 generated file (manually copied to it's target location) within this project's source tree. Builds and runs OK (a few printfs is the whole project).

Going to "Configure ... Hint" I see

    Import from package or class which has been labelled "Excluded" in
    the Code Complete

Where did the labeling come from and how can get rid of it? I've looked around a bit

This is the source code

    package com.raelity.astrolog.castro;
    import com.raelity.astrolog.castro.antlr.AstroBaseListener;

    public class CastroEcho extends AstroBaseListener
    ParseTreeProperty<String> echo = new ParseTreeProperty<>();

If I do "InsertCode > OverrideMethod" it find the expected stuff.

Any idea what's going on?


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