Thanks Malcolm and Laszlo for the hints.
I already looked at that section but the displayed breakpoint color did not
match the actual color when debugging, so I was confused.
I accidentally restored all default values and afterwards I was able to
change the color and it had immediate effect.
I don't know how I reached that state, but it works now.

Thanks again

Laszlo Kishalmi <> schrieb am So., 10. Sept. 2023,

> Check the Annotations section in the Fonts and Colors.
> On 9/7/23 03:15, Alexander Kronenwett wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using NB18 on MacOS. When I set a breakpoint the respective line
> > is highlighted with a very dark red (or brown). When the line is hit,
> > it is highlighted with a very dark green. I find it hard to read the
> > code of the highlighted lines so I wanted to change the color. I
> > looked through the options of the Highlighting section of Fonts &
> > Colors but did not find a suitable option.
> >
> > My questions: is it possible to change the line highlighting color for
> > breakpoints and if so, which option is it?
> >
> > Alex
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