Does this select the correct class? The original command-line included -PrunClassName=package.MyMainClass as a parameter.

But anyway, I think with some tweaking and twiddling it will be possible to write a task that replicates 99% of what the IDE does. But I'm not sure whether that is the assignment.

The point is to replicate exactly what the IDE does on the command-line, so that I can debug it better using other command-line tools.

So if the IDE actually executes a command-line script, then I want to see exactly that, not just bits and pieces. If the IDE does not actually execute a script, then IMHO it should not pretend so by outputting stuff that looks like a script.

Am 28.12.23 um 11:07 schrieb Andreas Reichel:
On Thu, 2023-12-28 at 16:59 +0700, Andreas Reichel wrote:
On Thu, 2023-12-28 at 10:48 +0100, Ulrich Mayring wrote:
Well, how would I know how to define this task? I want it to do exactly
what "Run Single" in the IDE does. So how to write this task?

Please disregard, this one works correctly:

dependsOn run

Then you can call from command line:

./gradlew singleRun -x test -x check

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