Thanks, that worked.  I wanted it to be a Module specific menu since the
users can disable the module and I didn't want the menu to display if the
module was disabled.  I just put the XML in the Modules layer.xml file and
it worked fine.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 1:10 PM Charles Rivenbark <>

> Thanks, that worked.  I wanted it to be a Module specific menu since the
> users can disable n't want the menu to display if the module was disabled.
> I just put the XML in the Modules layer.xml file and it worked fine.
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 11:04 AM Eirik Bakke <> wrote:
>> You can do do something like this from your branding module's layer.xml
>> file:
>> <filesystem>
>> <folder name="Menu">
>>   <folder name="Admin">
>>     <attr name="position" intvalue="205"/>
>>   </folder>
>> </folder>
>> </filesystem>
>> You can also expand the layer.xml file from within NetBeans and see "this
>> layer in context", then right-click an existing menu item and click Go to
>> Declaration to see the position of the other menus items.
>> -- Eirik
>> *From:* Charles Rivenbark <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, January 8, 2024 4:17 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* NetBeans Platform Application - Set Position of Menu Within
>> the Menu Bar
>> I am using NetBeans IDE 20 and have a Maven project that has numerous
>> TopComponent windows.  I want to set the position on the menu bar where the
>> module menu appears.  By default the Admin menu shows at the far left on
>> the menu bar but I want it just past the Edit menu.
>> The TopComponent code is as follows:
>> @ActionID(category = "Admin", id =
>> "org.drsolutions.dro.base.OperatorListTopComponent")
>> @ActionReferences({
>>     @ActionReference(path = "Menu/Admin", position = 200),
>>     @ActionReference(path = "Toolbars/Admin", position = 200)
>> })
>> Is there some way to place the Admin menu the same way menuitems are
>> placed within the menu with a position attribute?

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