

I am using NetBeans IDE version 20, JDK 21.0.2 on Windows 10.


I have been looking in vain for a way to navigate between errors in my source without having to scroll manually through the source trying to spot the red ! marks in the margin or using F11 to recompile to list them.


I note the ‘Navigate > Next Error | Previous Error’ from the menu bar but these seem to do nothing even if I introduce new errors into my source.


The NetBeans help on Navigation (https://netbeans.apache.org/tutorial/main/kb/docs/java/editor-codereference/) doesn’t mention anything about these two ‘Navigate’ options.

There is documentation on the RHS Error Stripes which is the closest I can find but that is hard for me to visualise as lots of different stripes detailed and I find it hard to separate out the colours (a bit colour-blind).


Stack overflow mentions (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11877871/netbeans-keyboard-shortcut-for-navigating-to-next-error-marker-in-editor) , in Netbeans 8, a perfect option, found in the Keymap shortcuts, called ‘Next error in Editor.


This is meant to cycle between all the hints, warnings & errors. This would be perfect for my use except that the Tools > Options > Keymap, search ‘Next’ no longer lists it in NetBeans 20.


Any advice on either


  1. Navigate > Next error not working
  2. ‘Next error in Editor’ missing
  3. An alternative workaround I haven’t considered


would do wonders for my stress levels!


Thanks in advance




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