It used to be CTRL-PERIOD and CTRL-COMMA, but it stopped working a long time ago.

It's not quite the same, but the Action Items window (CTRL-6) is really nice.  It shows all of the errors, TODO and FIXME comments, and other things.  You can click on the entries to go to the relevant part of the source.

Hope this helps.

On 1/20/24 07:32, John wrote:


I am using NetBeans IDE version 20, JDK 21.0.2 on Windows 10.

I have been looking in vain for a way to navigate between errors in my source without having to scroll manually through the source trying to spot the red ! marks in the margin or using F11 to recompile to list them.

I note the ‘Navigate > Next Error | Previous Error’ from the menu bar but these seem to do nothing even if I introduce new errors into my source.

The NetBeans help on Navigation ( doesn’t mention anything about these two ‘Navigate’ options.

There is documentation on the RHS Error Stripes which is the closest I can find but that is hard for me to visualise as lots of different stripes detailed and I find it hard to separate out the colours (a bit colour-blind).

Stack overflow mentions ( , in Netbeans 8, a perfect option, found in the Keymap shortcuts, called ‘Next error in Editor.

This is meant to cycle between all the hints, warnings & errors. This would be perfect for my use except that the Tools > Options > Keymap, search ‘Next’ no longer lists it in NetBeans 20.

Any advice on either

 1. Navigate > Next error not working
 2. ‘Next error in Editor’ missing
 3. An alternative workaround I haven’t considered

would do wonders for my stress levels!

Thanks in advance


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