See details below. This seems like a bug. Do you agree? Want to confirm before I file a bug report.

Class OrderDetailBase defines method: public String getSku(). I am doing a Java Call Hierarchy on this method.

Class OrderDetail is a subclass of OrderDetailBase and defines this method that calls getSku(): public String getFullSku(). This method is also defined in interface IOrderItem which is implemented by OrderDetail.

Cart is another class that implements IOrderItem.

The Java Call Hierarchy display shows this:
level 0: OrderDetailBase.getSku()
level 1: OrderDetail.getFullSku()
level 2: a usage of Cart.getFullSku()

This level 2 entry seems like the bug. It shouldn't be showing usages of Cart.getFullSku(), only OrderDetail.getFullSku(). I'm guessing that the Hierarchy display is showing uses of IOrderItem.getFullSku() rather than OrderDetail.getFullSku().


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