Are you running any plugins? Having just recently written a module to provide 
support for a new language, I learned quite a bit how NetBeans does its work. 
As you type there are quite a few scheduled tasks that are running in the 
background and will do things like lexing/parsing to provide the syntax 
highlighting, checking for hints etc. Generally this is very fast, and common 
language support (e.g., Java), there should be no issues. However, if you are 
using a plugin for custom language support or similar, it is possible that 
there is an inefficiency in that plugin that might be taking time to process 
and thus leading to delays in the display of text.

Alternatively, just as a general troubleshooting technique, I presume you've 
tried running NetBeans 22 on a different non-lab computer? You should be able 
to run the portable version directly without needing to install it, so it 
should be quite easy to test. This would at least help to confirm that the 
vanilla version is running OK, and the problem is thus related to some weird 
conflict with the lab machines you are running it on, or a plugin (or similar).

For the record, I am running NetBeans 22 on Windows 11 with the Azul JDK 21 and 
I'm not experiencing the issues that you have described.

Best regards,


On 2/07/2024 8:42 pm, Salvador Montoro Goethe wrote:
Dear all

I am experiencing very slow response from the Netbeans editor. When typing, it takes several seconds to show the text. I had this problem with NB17, and I thought that updating our lab machines to NB22 would solve it, but it is still the same.

I have read through many online articles but none of them would provide a solution for me. This is crucial, especially during official exams, the students get very stressed and lose time.

My environment:

NB22 on JDK 21
Windows 11 latest patch

Thank you very much in advance



Salvador Montoro Goethe

IT Manager

Swans International Secondary School <>

+34 952 902 755 <tel:+34952902755>

C/ Lago de Los Cisnes
Marbella, Málaga
29602 <>

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