Thank you, I will try and let you know. The plugins I have come directly
with Netbeans, I have not installed any additional plugins. They are Java,
Tools, Base IDE, C/C++, HTML5, etcetera. Directly downloaded from the

I will get back to you ASAP


Salvador Montoro Goethe

IT Manager

Swans International Secondary School

+34 952 902 755 <+34952902755>

C/ Lago de Los Cisnes
Marbella, Málaga
29602 <>

Le informamos, que la presente dirección de email es exclusivamente con
fines profesionales. Su utilización, es bajo el cumplimiento de
nuestra *Política
de uso de Emails Corporativos*

On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 13:06, Peter Kirkham <>

> Are you running any plugins? Having just recently written a module to
> provide support for a new language, I learned quite a bit how NetBeans does
> its work. As you type there are quite a few scheduled tasks that are
> running in the background and will do things like lexing/parsing to provide
> the syntax highlighting, checking for hints etc. Generally this is very
> fast, and common language support (e.g., Java), there should be no issues.
> However, if you are using a plugin for custom language support or similar,
> it is possible that there is an inefficiency in that plugin that might be
> taking time to process and thus leading to delays in the display of text.
> Alternatively, just as a general troubleshooting technique, I presume
> you've tried running NetBeans 22 on a different non-lab computer? You
> should be able to run the portable version directly without needing to
> install it, so it should be quite easy to test. This would at least help to
> confirm that the vanilla version is running OK, and the problem is thus
> related to some weird conflict with the lab machines you are running it on,
> or a plugin (or similar).
> For the record, I am running NetBeans 22 on Windows 11 with the Azul JDK
> 21 and I'm not experiencing the issues that you have described.
> Best regards,
> Peter
> On 2/07/2024 8:42 pm, Salvador Montoro Goethe wrote:
> Dear all
> I am experiencing very slow response from the Netbeans editor. When
> typing, it takes several seconds to show the text. I had this problem with
> NB17, and I thought that updating our lab machines to NB22 would solve it,
> but it is still the same.
> I have read through many online articles but none of them would provide a
> solution for me. This is crucial, especially during official exams, the
> students get very stressed and lose time.
> My environment:
> NB22 on JDK 21
> Windows 11 latest patch
> Thank you very much in advance
> <>
> Salvador Montoro Goethe
> IT Manager
> Swans International Secondary School
> +34 952 902 755 <+34952902755>
> C/ Lago de Los Cisnes
> Marbella, Málaga
> 29602
> <>
> Le informamos, que la presente dirección de email es exclusivamente con
> fines profesionales. Su utilización, es bajo el cumplimiento de nuestra 
> *Política
> de uso de Emails Corporativos*
> <>.

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