I had a queue that built up overnight with several thousand flowfiles. The 
queue was pointing to a RouteOnAttribute processor, which was running. For some 
reason, the RouteOnAttribute processor wasn't emptying the queue so the queue 
just built up. Stopping and starting the processor didn't help. However, simply 
restarting Nifi got the flow moving again. I can't figure out why the queue was 

What could cause a queue to build up like that? How would restarting Nifi get 
it going again? There weren't any errors in the log.  I did have backpressure 
on the relationship to the processor after the RouteOnAttribute set to 1, but 
that queue was empty. There was no backpressure on the queue heading in to the 
RouteOnAttribute processor. The RouteOnAttribute processor has a Penalty 
Duration and a Yield of 1 sec. The relationships all used the 
PriorityAttributeAnalyzer as the prioritizer. 

The interesting thing is I had the exact same problem on two different nifis 
(one was version 0.2.0 and one 0.3.0). The same type of flow files were going 
from one to the other using site-to-site (I was doing this for load balancing). 
On the other Nifi, instead of restarting, I added another RouteOnAttribute 
processor and rerouted the stuck queue to the new one instead, and that also 
got things moving again. (I have a backpressure since the processor after the 
RouteOnAttribute is a ControlRate processor, and I only want to allow 1 
flowfile through per second so as not to overwhelm the system downstream. The 
backpressure is to assist with load balancing, so if one pathway fills up, I 
have the other pathway which uses the site-to-site to route the flow to the 
other nifi).

Is there some combination of backpressure, penalty or yield along with 
prioritization that could cause a kind of deadlock-like situation? Any ideas as 
to how I can prevent this from occurring?

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