
HandleHttpRequest [1] allows you to specify the listening port as well
as Allowed Paths. Using the hostname/IP of the NiFi instance, along
with the Listening Port and Allowed Paths, creates an endpoint to
which you can issue HTTP commands (GET, PUT, POST -- all can be
allowed or denied via the processor properties). I think under the
hood the processor spawns Jetty with the configured properties to
accept the request(s).

So for a hostname of "", with a listening port of
8989 and an Allowed Path of /sendParameters, you could POST to and the (running)
HandleHttpRequest processor would accept it. Check the documentation
and example Hello_NiFi_Web_Service [2] for usage patterns, such as
using a downstream HandleHttpResponse processor in order to return a
response from the request.



On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 11:55 AM, mohammed shambakey
<> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm sorry if the question is silly, but it is giving me a hard time. We have
> a web page that contain some inputs (e.g., userid and other parameters) and
> I want to sent these parameters to a remote nifi-instance.
> I think I should use "handlHTTPRequst" processor at the remote instance, but
> I'm not sure how the web page can specify the address of the
> "handlHTTPRequest" processor at the remote NIFI site (e.g., we have the IP
> address of the remote NIFI instance, but how to specify the address of the
> "handleHTTPPequst" processor)?
> I've seen some examples on NIFI docs about "hendleHTTPRequest" but they
> don't have the web page to NIFI instance. I wonder if there are other
> examples for this case?
> Regards
> --
> Mohammed

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