Thank you Andre.
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 01. März 2017 um 04:05 Uhr
Von: Andre <>
Betreff: Re: new Nifi Processors
It may also be worth to note that JFrazee maintains a list of NiFi related links here:
On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Matt Burgess <> wrote:
Uwe G has made his processors available (thank you!) via his own repo
vs the official Apache NiFi repo; this may be directly related to your
point about licensing.  Having said that, he is of course at liberty
to license those separate processors as he sees fit (assuming it is
also in accordance with the licenses he has employed).  Apache NiFi
welcomes to its codebase Apache-friendly contributions (FAQ [1]), but
alternatively and even before an Extension Registry [2] is supported,
authors can make their NiFi processors and such available under the
appropriate licenses.  If there are commercial (or other) entities
looking to package such extensions with the official Apache NiFi
distribution, they would be subject to the same terms of the License &
Notice (L&N) of Apache NiFi as well as whatever extensions are added.



On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:33 PM, Angry Duck Studio
<> wrote:
> Hi, Uwe,
> These look useful. However, typically custom processors are either Apache
> 2.0 or MIT licensed. These don't seem to specify a license, but your
> business rule engine (jare) seems to be GPL 3.0 licensed. I'm not sure that
> fits with most uses of NiFi.
> Can you please clarify?
> Thanks
> -Matt
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Uwe Geercken <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I just wanted to let you know, that I have created four processors for
>> Nifi
>> 1) GenerateData - generates random data (test data) based on word lists,
>> regular expressions or purely random
>> 2) RuleEngine - a ruleengine which allows to process complex business
>> logic. But the logic is maintained in a separate web app and thus outside of
>> the flow. If the logic changes the flow does NOT have to change.
>> 3) SplitToAttribute - splits a single CSV row into flow file attributes
>> 4) MergeTemplate - merges flow file attributes with an Apache Velocity
>> template and writes the result to the flow file content
>> Please give them a try and let me know your findings and thoughts.
>> rgds,
>> Uwe

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