
I believe from the processor side of the things, when a processor
calls save/retrieve on the state manager, the processor has to specify
a context like CLUSTER or LOCAL. If you specify CLUSTER, and no
clustered state provider exists, then it will save it to the local
provider. This allows a processor to work seamlessly across a
standalone Nifi and a clustered Nifi.

The issue is that NiFi is not allowed to start up in clustered mode
without a clustered state provider, generally that is the ZooKeeper
provider, although it is an extension point and someone can implement
their own.

I would think you could do the following...

The normal clustered provider looks like this in state-management.xml....

    <property name="Connect String"></property>
    <property name="Root Node">/nifi</property>
    <property name="Session Timeout">10 seconds</property>
    <property name="Access Control">Open</property>

If you take the config from the local provider and drop it in the
cluster provider...

   <property name="Directory">./state/local</property>
   <property name="Always Sync">false</property>
   <property name="Partitions">16</property>
   <property name="Checkpoint Interval">2 mins</property>

Basically defining another instance of the local state provider as the
cluster provider.

Not totally sure if this works, but theoretically it should.


On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Juan Sequeiros <helloj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To add more to the issue I see this on my log:
> "Failed to restore processor state; yielding java.io.IOException; Failed to
> obtain value from Zookeeper for component ...." with exception code
> So this is confirming what I expected and at this point not sure if this is
> a bug or working as expected .... Feels like the dataflow manager should
> configure how to handle state and be able to use ListS3 in cluster even
> though I do not have zookeeper?
> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 10:57 AM Juan Sequeiros <helloj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> My preliminary testing shows that if I run ListS3 ( maybe all list
>> processors? )  processor on a cluster and that cluster is not running or
>> configured to talk to zookeeper that he does not maintain state at all even
>> though I would expect him to maintain state locally.
>> EX: ListProcessor ( run on primary node ) > distribute to cluster and use
>> ConsumeProcessor,
>> * We accept the fact that if primary node changes it would lose state, but
>> I want to maintain local state on cluster.
>> I have tried changing the
>> nifi.state.management.provider.cluster=local-provider and he fails since I
>> am clustered.
>> I am certainly going to do more testing unless its definitely true that if
>> clustered it only maintains zookeeper state.
>> Or it might be processor dependent? My tests have been with ListS3 and i
>> am on Apache NIFI 0.7

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