This is my service.yaml (2 services one headless and one regular) and 
depoloyment.yaml, let me know if this helps.:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: nifi-sync
  namespace: nifi
    app: nifi
    - name: prometheus-jmx
      port: 8079
    - name: web
      port: 8080
    - name: cluster
      port: 8082
    - name: misc
      port: 9001
  type: NodePort
    app: nifi


kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: nifi
  clusterIP: None
    app: nifi
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8081
      targetPort: 8081


apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: nifi
  serviceName: nifi
  replicas: 3
  podManagementPolicy: Parallel
    type: RollingUpdate
        app: nifi
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: "app"
                    operator: In
                    - nifi
              topologyKey: ""
      - name: us-west-2-ecr-registry
      - name: nifi
          - "/bin/sh"
          - "-c"
          - >
            wget http://xxxxxxxx/build/deploy/ -O 
            chmod +x /tmp/;
            apt-get -y install dnsutils;
            sed -i -e 
"s|^*$|`hostname`.`nslookup nifi|grep -i 
name |awk '{print $2}'|head -1`|" $path/conf/;
            sed -i -e 
nifi|grep -i name |awk '{print $2}'|head -1`|" $path/conf/;
            sed -i -e 
 nifi|grep -i name |awk '{print $2}'|head -1`|" $path/conf/;
            sed -i -e 
 min|" $path/conf/;
            mkdir -p $path/state/zookeeper;
            touch $path/state/zookeeper/myid;
            echo `hostname |rev | cut -d'-' -f 1 | rev` > 
            sed -i -e 
            sed -i -e 
            sed -i -e "s|^java.arg.2=.*$|java.arg.2=-Xms2g|" 
            sed -i -e "s|^java.arg.3=.*$|java.arg.3=-Xmx2g|" 
            /opt/nifi/nifi-1.7.0/bin/ run
          privileged: true
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8080
            - containerPort: 8081

From: Peter Wilcsinszky <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 6:33 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Secure NiFi cluster on kubernetes.

Hi Varun,

hard to tell without seeing your statefulset config. How do you add the new 
nodes? If you add them through the statefulset (kubectl scale statefulset <your 
statefulset's name> --replicas <desired replica count>)
the nodes should have the names nifi-3, nifi-4 instead of the ones on your 
screenshot. But again, this is going to be hard to debug without seeing your 


On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 11:03 AM Varun Tomar 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I tried your suggestion of using statefulset in k8s. The problem is still 
there. The new nodes join the cluster but the old nodes still remains am I 
missing something. I am guessing each nodes get an Id which is the deciding 
factor in cluster config and not the node address, that’s the reason I am 
seeing 3/5.

        "address": "nifi-1.nifi.nifi.svc.cluster.local",
        "status": "CONNECTED",
            "message": "Connection requested from existing node. Setting status 
to connecting."
        "address": "nifi-2.nifi.nifi.svc.cluster.local",
        "status": "CONNECTED",
            "message": "Connection requested from existing node. Setting status 
to connecting."
        "address": "nifi-0.nifi.nifi.svc.cluster.local",
        "status": "CONNECTED",
        "address": "nifi-2.nifi.nifi.svc.cluster.local",
        "status": "DISCONNECTED",
            "message": "Node disconnected from cluster due to Have not received 
a heartbeat from node in 44 seconds"
        "address": "nifi-1.nifi.nifi.svc.cluster.local",
        "status": "DISCONNECTED",
            "message": "Node disconnected from cluster due to Have not received 
a heartbeat from node in 44 seconds"

From: Peter Wilcsinszky 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, August 31, 2018 at 10:01 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: Secure NiFi cluster on kubernetes.

On Fri, 31 Aug 2018, 16:51 Varun Tomar, 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Peter,

We started using nifi as statefulset last year you but moved to deployment.

-CICD tool Spinnaker does not support statefulsets.
- We have also customized logback.xml as it was log within log issue which was 
not getting parsed properly in ELK
- For ports and cluster IP I pass them as argument so even if the pod reboot we 
don't have any issues.
Why do you need to pass an IP?

- we also use external zookeeper.

I dint find any benefit of running statefulset .

The only issue as I said is if we restart any undeying node we extra node and 
old nodes does not get deleted.
With a statefulset you wouldnt have issues with that and you would have stable 
persistent volumes as well.


From: Peter Wilcsinszky 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: Secure NiFi cluster on kubernetes.

Hi Dnyaneshwar,

as Andy mentioned we are working on running NiFi in Kubernetes but I'm not sure 
when it will be available publicly. Some pointers that can help by then:
 - You should use a StatefulSet to manage NiFi pods
 - Probably Helm charts are the most efficient way to get started
 - I recommend using the official NiFi image and wrapping the original 
script from the Kubernetes pod spec similarly how we do it in the Docker image 
[1]. Caveats: setting dynamic properties like from the 
wrapper script is a good idea, but for more static properties like 
nifi.web.http.port you may want to use the config files directly as configmaps 
and do templating using Helm. This is especially true for more complex 
configurations like the authorizers.xml or the login-identity-providers.xml.
 - Authorizations in NiFi can be configured for the initial cluster setup, but 
needs to be done manually when you add a new Node to the cluster above the 
initial cluster size. Also these extra nodes should have a vanilla 
authorizations.xml to avoid conflicts when joining to the existing ones. You 
can use the wrapper script to decide which configmap to use when starting the 
container. Once the pod has started you still have to add the node and 
authorize it manually using the UI. There is ongoing work to make this more 
dynamic: [3]
 - We use a Kubernetes deployment to run NiFi Toolkit's tls-toolkit in server 
mode. The NiFi pods have an init container that uses tls-toolkit in client mode 
to request and receive certificates from the CA server. The communication is 
protected using a shared secret that is generated inside the cluster on the 
fly, also you can further protect access to the CA using NetworkPolicies.
 - You should avoid using the embedded Zookeeper, but you can use an already 
existing helm chart as a dependency to install it [4] (caveat: the image used 
by that chart is not recommended for production use)


On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:42 PM Varun Tomar 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Dnyaneshwar,

We have nifi running on k8s for around 8-10 months. We create nifi cluster as 
part of CICD and then there is a stage which does the template deployment. 
Haven’t faced any major issues. Just sometime if a node reboots the old cluster 
member in nifi does not gets cleaned up.


From: Andy LoPresto <<>>
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 10:23 AM
To: <<>>
Subject: Re: Secure NiFi cluster on kubernetes.

Hi Dnyaneshwar,

I know other users are working on the same thing, so yes, NiFi + Kubernetes 
will allow you to stand up secure clusters. There is ongoing work targeted for 
upcoming releases to make this easier and more performant (dynamic scaling, 
certificate interaction & provisioning, etc.) [1]. Peter Wilcsinszky has done a 
lot of great work here, and he may be able to share some resources he 


Andy LoPresto<><>
PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69

On Aug 30, 2018, at 2:53 AM, Dnyaneshwar Pawar 


  We have requirement of deploying NiFi on cloud platforms and we are 
considering kubernetes as orchestrator. I have knowledge on configuring nifi 
cluster, however,  I am not sure on how things would go on kubernetes. Further, 
we are using Apache DS as LDAP server for authentication and planning to use 
embedded zookeeper instance to make the zookeeper cluster.
  Any help  or pointer to documentation would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Dnyaneshwar Pawar

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