You can use QueryDatabaseTable (QDT) for this, you'd set your
"event_time" column as the "Maximum Value Column(s)" property in the
processor. The first time QDT executes, it will fetch all the rows
(since it has not seen event_time before), then it will keep track of
the largest value of event_time. As new rows are added (with larger
event_time values), QDT will only fetch the rows whose event_time is
greater than the largest one it's seen. Then it updates its "largest
seen value" and so on.

GenerateTableFetch (GTF) is another option, it works in a similar
fashion, except that it does not fetch the rows itself, instead it
generates flow files containing SQL statements that you can send
downstream to perhaps ExecuteSQL in order to actually fetch the rows.
GTF is often used in place of QDT if you'll be fetching a large number
of rows in each statement, as you can distribute the SQL flow files
among the nodes in a cluster, to do the fetch in parallel.


On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:13 AM l vic <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have "event_time" field in SQLite database that means epoch time for 
> triggering of external event. What processor(s) can i use to implement 
> schedule monitoring/ execution based on change in "event_time" value?
> Thanks,

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