What if have only one row and update the values in it? Will QDT fetch
Thank you,

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:54 AM Matt Burgess <mattyb...@apache.org> wrote:

> You can use QueryDatabaseTable (QDT) for this, you'd set your
> "event_time" column as the "Maximum Value Column(s)" property in the
> processor. The first time QDT executes, it will fetch all the rows
> (since it has not seen event_time before), then it will keep track of
> the largest value of event_time. As new rows are added (with larger
> event_time values), QDT will only fetch the rows whose event_time is
> greater than the largest one it's seen. Then it updates its "largest
> seen value" and so on.
> GenerateTableFetch (GTF) is another option, it works in a similar
> fashion, except that it does not fetch the rows itself, instead it
> generates flow files containing SQL statements that you can send
> downstream to perhaps ExecuteSQL in order to actually fetch the rows.
> GTF is often used in place of QDT if you'll be fetching a large number
> of rows in each statement, as you can distribute the SQL flow files
> among the nodes in a cluster, to do the fetch in parallel.
> Regards,
> Matt
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:13 AM l vic <lvic4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > i have "event_time" field in SQLite database that means epoch time for
> triggering of external event. What processor(s) can i use to implement
> schedule monitoring/ execution based on change in "event_time" value?
> > Thanks,

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