Thanks Peter for helping me out.


On Tue, 12 Nov, 2019, 6:49 PM Peter Turcsanyi, <> wrote:

> Hi Sanjeet,
> There is an open issue [1] about retry handling in AWS processors with a
> pull request available [2] that might be interesting for you / solve your
> problem. Unfortunately it has not been merged yet.
> This would be a more generic solution for all AWS processors which also
> adds an option to configure the retry policy.
> Regards,
> Peter
> [1]
> [2]
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 6:15 PM sanjeet rath <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> I am using puts3Object processor of the nifi , to uploading object from
>> onprem to AWS s3 bucket. i believe we have 2 types of uploading , single
>> part upload and multipart upload as per the threshold value defined for
>> multipart.
>> for multipart , 3 steps are followed
>> 1)s3.nitiateMultipartUpload , 2)s3.uploadPart 3)s3.completeMultipartUpload
>> while checking the code i found , in s3.completeMultipartUpload method,
>> if there is any server side exception(5**), then it is retrying 3 times (as
>> in CompleteMultipartUploadRetryCondition class of AWS SDK,
>> MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS is constant variable of value 3) using a do while loop .
>> I have 2 questions
>> a) This default retry mechanism (value is 3)is only used in
>> s3.completeMultipartUpload method ? as i don't find any code for retry used
>> in single object upload.
>> b) if am going to changes MaxErrorRetry value AWS ClientConfiguration,
>> does this will change it retry count if there is S3exception(5**)  as per
>> value i have set, as its a constant value of 3. Please confirm.
>> c)If B answer is YES. Then only
>> ClientConfiguration.MaxErrorRetry(myCostumValue) will work or
>> I have to add bellow code for retry policy also.
>> ClientConfiguration.setRetryPolicy(new
>> RetryPolicy(config.getRetryPolicy().getRetryCondition(),config.getRetryPolicy().getBackoffStrategy(),
>> myCostumValue, true).
>> Thanks ,
>> Sanjeet

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