Thanks a lot Andy for your reply, it definitely helped pinpointing what is
going wrong. I tried simulating the same with the docker image from Apache
and generating the keystore/truststore files on the Docker host. For one
node NiFi it worked fine. The problem comes when I am trying the same on
Kubernetes. Nodes in GKE have Container optimized OS (no pkg installer) ,
so it does not support using NiFi tls-toolkit as Java cannot be installed.
Can you please give some pointers/workaround on how to solve this issue
with k8s?
Once the files are generated we can mount it using Host mount in the pod.

Thanks again for your help :)

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:37 PM Andy LoPresto <> wrote:

> Atul,
> I am not a Kubernetes/ingress expert, but that error is indicating that
> you specified NiFi should be secure (i.e. use TLS/HTTPS) and yet there is
> no keystore or truststore provided to the application, so it fails to
> start. NiFi differs from some other applications in that you cannot
> configure authentication and authorization without explicitly enabling and
> configuring TLS for NiFi itself, not just delegating that data in transit
> encryption to an external system (like a load balancer, proxy, or service
> mesh).
> I suggest you read the NiFi walkthrough for “Securing NiFi with TLS” [1]
> which will provide some context around what the various requirements are,
> and the Admin Guide [2] sections on authentication and authorization for
> more background.
> [1]
> [2]
> Andy LoPresto
> * <>*
> He/Him
> PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69
> On Jul 20, 2020, at 11:58 PM, Atul Wankhade <>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to install NiFi with SSL on Kubernetes using Helm(cetic/nifi),
> Below is my values.yaml. I keep getting an error on NiFi containers as - Am
> I missing something?
> *Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
> creating bean with name 'clusterCoordinationProtocolSender' defined in
> class path resource [nifi-cluster-protocol-context.xml]: Cannot resolve
> reference to bean 'protocolSocketConfiguration' while setting constructor
> argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw exception
> on object creation; nested exception is  (No
> such file or directory)*
> ---
> # Number of nifi nodes
> replicaCount: 1
> ## Set default image, imageTag, and imagePullPolicy.
> ## ref:
> ##
> image:
>   repository: apache/nifi
>   tag: "1.11.4"
>   pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
>   ## Optionally specify an imagePullSecret.
>   ## Secret must be manually created in the namespace.
>   ## ref:
>   ##
>   # pullSecret: myRegistrKeySecretName
> securityContext:
>   runAsUser: 1000
>   fsGroup: 1000
> sts:
>   # Parallel podManagementPolicy for faster bootstrap and teardown.
> Default is OrderedReady.
>   podManagementPolicy: Parallel
>   AntiAffinity: soft
>   hostPort: null
> ## Useful if using any custom secrets
> ## Pass in some secrets to use (if required)
> # secrets:
> # - name: myNifiSecret
> #   keys:
> #     - key1
> #     - key2
> #   mountPath: /opt/nifi/secret
> ## Useful if using any custom configmaps
> ## Pass in some configmaps to use (if required)
> # configmaps:
> #   - name: myNifiConf
> #     keys:
> #       - myconf.conf
> #     mountPath: /opt/nifi/custom-config
> properties:
>   # use externalSecure for when inbound SSL is provided by nginx-ingress
> or other external mechanism
>   externalSecure: true
>   isNode: true
>   httpPort: null
>   httpsPort: 8443
>   clusterPort: 6007
>   clusterSecure: true
>   needClientAuth: true
>   provenanceStorage: "8 GB"
>   siteToSite:
>     secure: true
>     port: 10000
>   authorizer: managed-authorizer
>   # use properties.safetyValve to pass explicit 'key: value' pairs that
> overwrite other configuration
>   safetyValve:
> "${NIFI_HOME}/,
> ${NIFI_HOME}/"
> eth0
>     # listen to loopback interface so "kubectl port-forward ..." works
> lo
> ## Include additional libraries in the Nifi containers by using the
> postStart handler
> ## ref:
> # postStart: /opt/nifi/psql; wget -P /opt/nifi/psql
> # Nifi User Authentication
> auth:
>   ldap:
>     enabled: false
>     host: ldap://<hostname>:<port>
>     searchBase: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
>     searchFilter: CN=john
> ## Expose the nifi service to be accessed from outside the cluster
> (LoadBalancer service).
> ## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the
> service type and the port to serve it.
> ## ref:
> ##
> # headless service
> headless:
>   type: ClusterIP
>   annotations:
> "true"
> # ui service
> service:
>   type: LoadBalancer
>   httpPort: 80
>   httpsPort: 443
>   annotations: {}
>   # loadBalancerIP:
>   ## Load Balancer sources
>   ##
>   ##
>   # loadBalancerSourceRanges:
>   # -
>   # Enables additional port/ports to nifi service for internal processors
>   processors:
>     enabled: false
>     ports:
>       - name: processor01
>         port: 7001
>         targetPort: 7001
>         #nodePort: 30701
>       - name: processor02
>         port: 7002
>         targetPort: 7002
>         #nodePort: 30702
> ## Configure Ingress based on the documentation here:
> ##
> ingress:
>   enabled: false
>   annotations: {}
>   tls: []
>   hosts: []
>   path: /
>   rule: []
>   # If you want to change the default path, see this issue
> # Amount of memory to give the NiFi java heap
> jvmMemory: 2g
> # Separate image for tailing each log separately
> sidecar:
>   image: ez123/alpine-tini
> # Busybox image
> busybox:
>   image: busybox
> ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
> ## ref:
> ##
> persistence:
>   enabled: false
>   # When creating persistent storage, the NiFi helm chart can either
> reference an already-defined
>   # storage class by name, such as "standard" or can define a custom
> storage class by specifying
>   # customStorageClass: true and providing the "storageClass",
> "storageProvisioner" and "storageType".
>   # For example, to use SSD storage on Google Compute Engine see
> values-gcp.yaml
>   #
>   # To use a storage class that already exists on the Kubernetes cluster,
> we can simply reference it by name.
>   # For example:
>   # storageClass: standard
>   #
>   # The default storage class is used if this variable is not set.
>   accessModes:  [ReadWriteOnce]
>   ## Storage Capacities for persistent volumes
>   # Storage capacity for the 'data' directory, which is used to hold
> things such as the flow.xml.gz, configuration, state, etc.
>   dataStorage:
>     size: 1Gi
>   # Storage capacity for the FlowFile repository
>   flowfileRepoStorage:
>     size: 10Gi
>   # Storage capacity for the Content repository
>   contentRepoStorage:
>     size: 10Gi
>   # Storage capacity for the Provenance repository. When changing this,
> one should also change the properties.provenanceStorage value above, also.
>   provenanceRepoStorage:
>     size: 10Gi
>   # Storage capacity for nifi logs
>   logStorage:
>     size: 5Gi
> ## Configure resource requests and limits
> ## ref:
> ##
> resources: {}
>   # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave
> this as a conscious
>   # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on
> environments with little
>   # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources,
> uncomment the following
>   # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after
> 'resources:'.
>   # limits:
>   #  cpu: 100m
>   #  memory: 128Mi
>   # requests:
>   #  cpu: 100m
>   #  memory: 128Mi
> logresources:
>   requests:
>     cpu: 10m
>     memory: 10Mi
>   limits:
>     cpu: 50m
>     memory: 50Mi
> nodeSelector: {}
> tolerations: []
> initContainers: {}
>   # foo-init:  # <- will be used as container name
>   #   image: "busybox:1.30.1"
>   #   imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
>   #   command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo this is an initContainer']
>   #   volumeMounts:
> #     - mountPath: /tmp/foo
> #       name: foo
> extraVolumeMounts: []
> extraVolumes: []
> ## Extra containers
> extraContainers: []
> terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
> ## Extra environment variables that will be pass onto deployment pods
> env: []
> #
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Zookeeper:
> #
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> zookeeper:
>   ## If true, install the Zookeeper chart
>   ## ref:
>   enabled: true
>   ## If the Zookeeper Chart is disabled a URL and port are required to
> connect
>   url: ""
>   port: 2181
> *Complete stacktrace:*
> Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
> creating bean with name 'clusterCoordinationProtocolSender' defined in
> class path resource [nifi-cluster-protocol-context.xml]: Cannot resolve
> reference to bean 'protocolSocketConfiguration' while setting constructor
> argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw exception
> on object creation; nested exception is  (No
> such file or directory)
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         ... 75 common frames omitted
> Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
> creating bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw
> exception on object creation; nested exception is
>  (No such file or directory)
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         ... 87 common frames omitted
> Caused by:  (No such file or directory)
>         at Method)
>         at
>         at<init>(
>         at<init>(
>         at
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.spring.SocketConfigurationFactoryBean.getObject(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.spring.SocketConfigurationFactoryBean.getObject(
>         at
>         ... 92 common frames omitted
> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,204 INFO [Thread-1] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Initiating
> shutdown of Jetty web server...
> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,214 INFO [Thread-1]
> o.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector Stopped 
> ServerConnector@700f518a{SSL,[ssl,
> http/1.1]}{}
> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,214 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session
> node0 Stopped scavenging
> Any help to resolve this is appreciated.
> Atul Wankhade

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