My suggestion would be to run the apache/nifi-toolkit image as another Pod
within your k8s namespace and have it running as a TLS Server[1]. You'll
probably need to do that separately from your Helm chart (I'm not familiar
with Helm or this chart).

Then connect to that from your NiFi instances as they start up, e.g. with
an init-container based on the same apache/nifi-toolkit image using the TLS
client function [1] to obtain the required TLS certificate files from the
TLS Server. You can use an emptyDir [2] volume to pass the files from the
init-container to the NiFi container within the Pod.

If you run the TLS Server as a StatefulSet (or a Deployment) with a
Persistent Volume Claim that backed by an external volume within your cloud
provider (whatever the GKE equivalent is of AWS's EBS volumes), then the
TLS Server can be setup with its own Certificate Authority that persists
between Pod restarts and thus your NiFi certificates shouldn't become
invalid over time (if the TLS Server is restarted and generates a new CA,
then subsequent NiFi restarts would mean your NiFi cluster instances would
no longer be able to communicate with one another as they wouldn't trust
one another's certificates).

An alternative, if it's available in your k8s cluster, is to use something
like cert-manager [3] to provision certificates for your instances, then
use an init-container within the NiFi Pods to convert the PEM files to Java
Keystore or PKCS12 format as required by NiFi.


*Chris Sampson*
IT Consultant

On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 07:09, Atul Wankhade <>

> Thanks a lot Andy for your reply, it definitely helped pinpointing what is
> going wrong. I tried simulating the same with the docker image from Apache
> and generating the keystore/truststore files on the Docker host. For one
> node NiFi it worked fine. The problem comes when I am trying the same on
> Kubernetes. Nodes in GKE have Container optimized OS (no pkg installer) ,
> so it does not support using NiFi tls-toolkit as Java cannot be installed.
> Can you please give some pointers/workaround on how to solve this issue
> with k8s?
> Once the files are generated we can mount it using Host mount in the pod.
> Thanks again for your help :)
> Atul
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:37 PM Andy LoPresto <>
> wrote:
>> Atul,
>> I am not a Kubernetes/ingress expert, but that error is indicating that
>> you specified NiFi should be secure (i.e. use TLS/HTTPS) and yet there is
>> no keystore or truststore provided to the application, so it fails to
>> start. NiFi differs from some other applications in that you cannot
>> configure authentication and authorization without explicitly enabling and
>> configuring TLS for NiFi itself, not just delegating that data in transit
>> encryption to an external system (like a load balancer, proxy, or service
>> mesh).
>> I suggest you read the NiFi walkthrough for “Securing NiFi with TLS” [1]
>> which will provide some context around what the various requirements are,
>> and the Admin Guide [2] sections on authentication and authorization for
>> more background.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Andy LoPresto
>> * <>*
>> He/Him
>> PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69
>> On Jul 20, 2020, at 11:58 PM, Atul Wankhade <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am trying to install NiFi with SSL on Kubernetes using
>> Helm(cetic/nifi), Below is my values.yaml. I keep getting an error on NiFi
>> containers as - Am I missing something?
>> *Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
>> Error creating bean with name 'clusterCoordinationProtocolSender' defined
>> in class path resource [nifi-cluster-protocol-context.xml]: Cannot resolve
>> reference to bean 'protocolSocketConfiguration' while setting constructor
>> argument; nested exception is
>> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
>> bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw exception
>> on object creation; nested exception is  (No
>> such file or directory)*
>> ---
>> # Number of nifi nodes
>> replicaCount: 1
>> ## Set default image, imageTag, and imagePullPolicy.
>> ## ref:
>> ##
>> image:
>>   repository: apache/nifi
>>   tag: "1.11.4"
>>   pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
>>   ## Optionally specify an imagePullSecret.
>>   ## Secret must be manually created in the namespace.
>>   ## ref:
>>   ##
>>   # pullSecret: myRegistrKeySecretName
>> securityContext:
>>   runAsUser: 1000
>>   fsGroup: 1000
>> sts:
>>   # Parallel podManagementPolicy for faster bootstrap and teardown.
>> Default is OrderedReady.
>>   podManagementPolicy: Parallel
>>   AntiAffinity: soft
>>   hostPort: null
>> ## Useful if using any custom secrets
>> ## Pass in some secrets to use (if required)
>> # secrets:
>> # - name: myNifiSecret
>> #   keys:
>> #     - key1
>> #     - key2
>> #   mountPath: /opt/nifi/secret
>> ## Useful if using any custom configmaps
>> ## Pass in some configmaps to use (if required)
>> # configmaps:
>> #   - name: myNifiConf
>> #     keys:
>> #       - myconf.conf
>> #     mountPath: /opt/nifi/custom-config
>> properties:
>>   # use externalSecure for when inbound SSL is provided by nginx-ingress
>> or other external mechanism
>>   externalSecure: true
>>   isNode: true
>>   httpPort: null
>>   httpsPort: 8443
>>   clusterPort: 6007
>>   clusterSecure: true
>>   needClientAuth: true
>>   provenanceStorage: "8 GB"
>>   siteToSite:
>>     secure: true
>>     port: 10000
>>   authorizer: managed-authorizer
>>   # use properties.safetyValve to pass explicit 'key: value' pairs that
>> overwrite other configuration
>>   safetyValve:
>> "${NIFI_HOME}/, ${NIFI_HOME}/"
>> eth0
>>     # listen to loopback interface so "kubectl port-forward ..." works
>> lo
>> ## Include additional libraries in the Nifi containers by using the
>> postStart handler
>> ## ref:
>> # postStart: /opt/nifi/psql; wget -P /opt/nifi/psql
>> # Nifi User Authentication
>> auth:
>>   ldap:
>>     enabled: false
>>     host: ldap://<hostname>:<port>
>>     searchBase: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
>>     searchFilter: CN=john
>> ## Expose the nifi service to be accessed from outside the cluster
>> (LoadBalancer service).
>> ## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the
>> service type and the port to serve it.
>> ## ref:
>> ##
>> # headless service
>> headless:
>>   type: ClusterIP
>>   annotations:
>> "true"
>> # ui service
>> service:
>>   type: LoadBalancer
>>   httpPort: 80
>>   httpsPort: 443
>>   annotations: {}
>>   # loadBalancerIP:
>>   ## Load Balancer sources
>>   ##
>>   ##
>>   # loadBalancerSourceRanges:
>>   # -
>>   # Enables additional port/ports to nifi service for internal processors
>>   processors:
>>     enabled: false
>>     ports:
>>       - name: processor01
>>         port: 7001
>>         targetPort: 7001
>>         #nodePort: 30701
>>       - name: processor02
>>         port: 7002
>>         targetPort: 7002
>>         #nodePort: 30702
>> ## Configure Ingress based on the documentation here:
>> ##
>> ingress:
>>   enabled: false
>>   annotations: {}
>>   tls: []
>>   hosts: []
>>   path: /
>>   rule: []
>>   # If you want to change the default path, see this issue
>> # Amount of memory to give the NiFi java heap
>> jvmMemory: 2g
>> # Separate image for tailing each log separately
>> sidecar:
>>   image: ez123/alpine-tini
>> # Busybox image
>> busybox:
>>   image: busybox
>> ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
>> ## ref:
>> ##
>> persistence:
>>   enabled: false
>>   # When creating persistent storage, the NiFi helm chart can either
>> reference an already-defined
>>   # storage class by name, such as "standard" or can define a custom
>> storage class by specifying
>>   # customStorageClass: true and providing the "storageClass",
>> "storageProvisioner" and "storageType".
>>   # For example, to use SSD storage on Google Compute Engine see
>> values-gcp.yaml
>>   #
>>   # To use a storage class that already exists on the Kubernetes cluster,
>> we can simply reference it by name.
>>   # For example:
>>   # storageClass: standard
>>   #
>>   # The default storage class is used if this variable is not set.
>>   accessModes:  [ReadWriteOnce]
>>   ## Storage Capacities for persistent volumes
>>   # Storage capacity for the 'data' directory, which is used to hold
>> things such as the flow.xml.gz, configuration, state, etc.
>>   dataStorage:
>>     size: 1Gi
>>   # Storage capacity for the FlowFile repository
>>   flowfileRepoStorage:
>>     size: 10Gi
>>   # Storage capacity for the Content repository
>>   contentRepoStorage:
>>     size: 10Gi
>>   # Storage capacity for the Provenance repository. When changing this,
>> one should also change the properties.provenanceStorage value above, also.
>>   provenanceRepoStorage:
>>     size: 10Gi
>>   # Storage capacity for nifi logs
>>   logStorage:
>>     size: 5Gi
>> ## Configure resource requests and limits
>> ## ref:
>> ##
>> resources: {}
>>   # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave
>> this as a conscious
>>   # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on
>> environments with little
>>   # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources,
>> uncomment the following
>>   # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after
>> 'resources:'.
>>   # limits:
>>   #  cpu: 100m
>>   #  memory: 128Mi
>>   # requests:
>>   #  cpu: 100m
>>   #  memory: 128Mi
>> logresources:
>>   requests:
>>     cpu: 10m
>>     memory: 10Mi
>>   limits:
>>     cpu: 50m
>>     memory: 50Mi
>> nodeSelector: {}
>> tolerations: []
>> initContainers: {}
>>   # foo-init:  # <- will be used as container name
>>   #   image: "busybox:1.30.1"
>>   #   imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
>>   #   command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo this is an initContainer']
>>   #   volumeMounts:
>> #     - mountPath: /tmp/foo
>> #       name: foo
>> extraVolumeMounts: []
>> extraVolumes: []
>> ## Extra containers
>> extraContainers: []
>> terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
>> ## Extra environment variables that will be pass onto deployment pods
>> env: []
>> #
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Zookeeper:
>> #
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> zookeeper:
>>   ## If true, install the Zookeeper chart
>>   ## ref:
>>   enabled: true
>>   ## If the Zookeeper Chart is disabled a URL and port are required to
>> connect
>>   url: ""
>>   port: 2181
>> *Complete stacktrace:*
>> Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
>> creating bean with name 'clusterCoordinationProtocolSender' defined in
>> class path resource [nifi-cluster-protocol-context.xml]: Cannot resolve
>> reference to bean 'protocolSocketConfiguration' while setting constructor
>> argument; nested exception is
>> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
>> bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw exception
>> on object creation; nested exception is  (No
>> such file or directory)
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         ... 75 common frames omitted
>> Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
>> creating bean with name 'protocolSocketConfiguration': FactoryBean threw
>> exception on object creation; nested exception is
>>  (No such file or directory)
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         ... 87 common frames omitted
>> Caused by:  (No such file or directory)
>>         at Method)
>>         at
>>         at<init>(
>>         at<init>(
>>         at
>>         at
>> org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.spring.SocketConfigurationFactoryBean.getObject(
>>         at
>> org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.spring.SocketConfigurationFactoryBean.getObject(
>>         at
>>         ... 92 common frames omitted
>> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,204 INFO [Thread-1] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Initiating
>> shutdown of Jetty web server...
>> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,214 INFO [Thread-1]
>> o.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector Stopped 
>> ServerConnector@700f518a{SSL,[ssl,
>> http/1.1]}{}
>> 2020-07-17 11:04:25,214 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session
>> node0 Stopped scavenging
>> Any help to resolve this is appreciated.
>> Atul Wankhade

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