
Probably best to create a jira with all the details you provided here so
someone can look into it when available


On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM Juan Pablo Gardella <
gardellajuanpa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know about this issue? What does it mean?
> Thanks,
> Juan
> On Sun, 4 Oct 2020 at 11:25, Juan Pablo Gardella <
> gardellajuanpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am starting to play with Nifi Registry. I am using Nifi 1.12.1 and Nifi
>> Registry 0.7.0 almost with all default configurations. No security on both.
>> My flow has some custom processors and services which were generated by
>> nifi-nar-maven-plugin/1.3.2.
>> I was able to create a bucket in Nifi Registry and started the version
>> control and committed some changes.  The problem appeared when I tested
>> roll back local changes and following error appears in the UI
>> Found bundle com.foo:myprocessr-nar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT but does not support
>> com.foo.MyService
>> There are no errors in Nifi Registry and Nifi logs. A 409 conflict issue
>> appears in the browser developer console: POST
>> http://localhost:8000/nifi-api/versions/revert-requests/process-groups/e8ff381c-0174-1000-b8ce-873a9ad9bd47
>> operation.
>> I uploaded two NARs files to Nifi Registry using upload bundle
>> <https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-registry-docs/html/user-guide.html#upload-bundle>
>> to test if that was the problem but it didn't work also.
>> I cannot find too much in google, anyone has an idea what does this error
>> mean? and also, how I can fix it? Notice the processors and services are
>> working without issues on Nifi. Both NAR files were packed using
>> I tried change to true  "allowBundleRedeploy":   "allowPublicRead":  but
>> still failed (it is created with false).
>> Thanks

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