Hi All,

I have a query regarding InvokeScriptedProcessors and the best way to
invalidate a script context. I'm using a number of InvokeScriptedProcessors
with a “Script File” set. Each time I update the script at that path,
restarting the InvokeScriptedProcessor does not cause the updated script to
be re-evaluated.

>From reading the InvokeScriptedProcessor implementation I can see that the
script will be re-evaluated when one of the Script Engine, Script File
(path), Script Body, or Module Directory properties are modified. This is
sufficient when using “Script Body”, but in the case of a Script File the
properties don’t change and therefore the script is not re-evaluated.

My current workaround is to:

1. Stop the processor
2. Edit the Script Body and add a character
3. Apply changes
4. Edit the Script Body and remove the character
5. Apply changes
6. Start the processor again
* I could use any of the 4 properties but Script Body has been the easiest
since it's empty.

This obviously isn't ideal and isn't something I'm keen to integrate in a
deployment process (where my current thinking is to make NiFi API requests
to mimic the process).

Is anyone able to suggest a better solution to this problem?


Dirk Arends

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