
We could look at adding a FileWatcher or something to
InvokeScriptedProcessor, but I doubt we'd want to allow re-evaluating
the script on the fly, maybe we would just set a flag indicating a
change was detected and the next time the processor is started or the
script would be evaluated, we'd reload the file contents at that

IIRC, using Script File was originally intended for "finished" scripts
to be located on each node of a cluster (or shared), so the sysadmins
could control the file rather than the flow designers. If you're
updating/testing scripts, I recommend copying the contents to Script
Body until it works the way you want, then copying the script back to
the file.


On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 9:30 PM Dirk Arends <dirk.are...@fontis.com.au> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a query regarding InvokeScriptedProcessors and the best way to 
> invalidate a script context. I'm using a number of InvokeScriptedProcessors 
> with a “Script File” set. Each time I update the script at that path, 
> restarting the InvokeScriptedProcessor does not cause the updated script to 
> be re-evaluated.
> From reading the InvokeScriptedProcessor implementation I can see that the 
> script will be re-evaluated when one of the Script Engine, Script File 
> (path), Script Body, or Module Directory properties are modified. This is 
> sufficient when using “Script Body”, but in the case of a Script File the 
> properties don’t change and therefore the script is not re-evaluated.
> My current workaround is to:
> 1. Stop the processor
> 2. Edit the Script Body and add a character
> 3. Apply changes
> 4. Edit the Script Body and remove the character
> 5. Apply changes
> 6. Start the processor again
> * I could use any of the 4 properties but Script Body has been the easiest 
> since it's empty.
> This obviously isn't ideal and isn't something I'm keen to integrate in a 
> deployment process (where my current thinking is to make NiFi API requests to 
> mimic the process).
> Is anyone able to suggest a better solution to this problem?
> Regards,
> --
> Dirk Arends

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