I've gotten rusty, not having done much nifi work for a while.

I want to run some tests of the following scenario. I have a workflow that
takes documents from a DB and feeds them through tika. I want to test with
a different document set that is currently living on disk. The tika
(groovy) processor that is my front end is expecting a record with a number
of fields, one of which is the document content.

I can simulate the fields (badly, but that doesn't matter at this stage),
with generate record, but how do I get document contents from disk into the
right place. I've been thinking of using updaterecord to modify the random
records, but can't see how to get the data from GetFile into the right

Another thought is that perhaps I need to convert the GetFile output into
the right record structure with convertrecord, but then how to fill the
other fields.

What am I missing here?

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